F.E. WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, Wyo. -- The 90th Missile Wing hosted an annual awards ceremony at the Archer Events Center, March. 9, 2023. The Mighty Ninety honored those who went above and beyond in their units and the wing throughout the year of 2022.
Airman of the Year: Senior Airman Christopher Williams, 90th Security Force Group
Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year: Tech. Sgt. Astin Roberson, 90th Medical Group
Senior Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year: Senior Master Sgt. Joseph Duffy, 90th Security Forces Group
First Sgt. Of the Year: Master Sgt. Britni Burnette, 90th Operations Group
Honor Guardsman of the Year: Senior Airmen Cesar Morales
Company Grade Officer of the Year: 1st. Lt. Alec Stewart
Field Grade Officer of the Year: Maj. Jason Ponce
Professional Team of the Year: 790th Missile Security Forces Squadron Operations Flight
Collaborative Team of the Year: 90 CONS & 90 CPTS
Supervisor of the Year: Tech. Sgt. Aaron Stubbs
Civilian Category I Non-Supervisory of the Year: Claudia Martinez, Wing Staff Agencies
Civilian Category I Supervisory of the Year: John Cook, 90th Mission Support Group
Civilian Category II Non-Supervisory of the Year: Ray Guest, Wing Staff Agencies
Civilian Category II Supervisory of the Year: Michael Rickman, 90th Security Forces Group
Volunteer of the Year: Staff Sgt. Bethany Desrochers
Spouse of the Year: Ashley Nelson, 90th Mission Support Group
Key Spouse of the Year: Ashbyilyin Tanner