Spouses Portal Informational links:
Click here for more information on the Warren Spouses Club
Click here to view the most current spouses forum feedback.
Click here to view available childcare locations in the surrounding area.
Click here to find out more on how to become a licensed family child care provider in your home.
Heartlink Spouse Orientation Program:
This program is designed for new Air Force spouses as it concentrates on the Air Force mission, available resources/services, customs, traditions and protocol; however, everyone is welcome to attend. Program participants also receive a tour of the missile training facility and a windshield tour of base facilities. The orientation is scheduled to meet at the Airman & Family Readiness Center (A&FRC), Building 207. Lunch and childcare will be provided free. Childcare arrangements must be made prior to the event date. Pick up childcare vouchers in Bldg 207. To sign up, please call 773-5946 or 773-2241.
Additional Information:
If a military member is tasked for deployment, they are required to attend pre-deployment training. Spouses are invited and are highly encouraged to attend as well (learn how spouses are eligible for a FREE oil change-up to $50 and free child care before or during the deployment). Please contact the readiness non-commissioned officer to schedule a briefing by calling 773-5899.
Is your spouse currently deployed or know someone who is deployed and want to send a care package for free? Blue Federal Credit Union and the Airman & Family Readiness Center would like to invite you to "Build your own Care Package" anytime during BFCU's normal business hours. BFCU provides boxes, packaging materials, tape and over 50+ non-perishable items to stuff the boxes. Just simply walk into BFCU, tell one of the tellers that you would like to build a care package and they will walk you over to the pre-staged care package center. Not only will they help you build a care package, but will also help you fill out the customs forms and mail it for you for free. Note: Don't forget to bring the deployed members address. You're more than welcome to stop in and build a care package as many times as you want.
Are you a deployed spouse who wants to sit back, relax and enjoy a free movie at the F.E. Warren base theatre? Air Force Association Cowboy Chapter 357 has graciously donated enough funds to support the deployed families and provide this great opportunity to watch any movie in March for free. We will send out updated emails to deployed spouses/families on movie titles and times as we have them.
For any questions and for additional information, please contact Senior Master Sgt. Rivera at david.rivera.9@us.af.mil.
First Sergeant Contact List:
Duty phone
90th MMXS/90th MXG Staff
90th MUNS/790th MXS
90th MDG
90th MSFS
790th MSFS
890th MSFS
90th SF
90th SSPTS
90th CES
90th FSS
90th CS
90th LRS
90th CONS
153rd CACS
20th AF/620th GCTS
582nd HG/37th HS