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  • Meet your ... School Liaison

    There are many stressors associated with being a parent in the military. The good news is that there is a person here at F.E. Warren who can help eliminate some of that stress.The Child and Youth Education Services School Liaison, Nancy Warner, is committed to outreach, advocacy, and partnership

  • I don’t treat everyone the same…now let me explain

    I don’t treat everyone the same…now let me explain.  I do treat everyone with dignity and respect.  That’s whether you are an Airman 1st Class or a Lt. Col., the squadron’s commander’s support staff or the group commander, a government civilian employee or the UPS driver dropping off a package at

  • Empathy: Pass it on

    During this unique time, it is easy for people to get overwhelmed. From the pandemic to current race relations to the upcoming election, it appears that no matter where you look, there is something about each topic, good, bad or indifferent. All the animosity in the U.S. coupled with everyday

  • Missed opportunities, lifetime of regret

    The day before one of my best friends tried to take his own life, he was laughing, joking and goofing around like he usually did.It was a normal March Florida day in 2001, and several of us were hanging out after class. We talked about the upcoming football season, the ongoing hockey season and

  • The Open Door

    “I have an open door policy” is something that we have all heard many times from leaders at every level across the Air Force. While this is a common phrase, how often is it truly meant?I strongly feel that leaders need to be accessible to those they lead. This can be done many ways, from visits to

  • Preventing suicide - starting with myself

    Note: This commentary was originally published Sept. 6, 2018.     There is rarely a day that passes when I do not think of ending my own life.     Some days, my depression is an overwhelming weight to bear and it takes nearly everything I have just to push the thoughts away and get on with my

  • The world today

    Maintenance Nation,First and foremost we want to say how proud we are of all the work you have done in the last few months.  You have NO idea the amount of accolades we get from 20th AF and AFGSC on the job you have done during these trying times. Chief Mayberry and I are so lucky to be part of such

  • Teleworking Resiliency Skills

    Who would have thought three months ago that I would be doing my job while working from home? I never would have dreamed it, but the reality is that a lot of us are doing just that. Another fact is that while teleworking, it can become very easy for every day to seem like Groundhog Day. The days

  • Someone's always there to talk to

    Perhaps the hustle and bustle of Air Force life has your head spinning or the new way of life created by the current pandemic has you in need of someone to talk to.The Military and Family Life Counseling Program is always there for you and your family members.“F.E. Warren has three licensed MFLC

  • Staying fit during chaotic times

    During this time of craziness, it's easy to get down in the dumps. You're cooped up at home and you're not able to get out to do the things you normally would.In my case, I would be going to the gym and riding motorcycles with my friends, but I can't right now (dang you COVID). However, that doesn't