Commentary Search

  • Meet Your ... Equal Opportunity Coordinator

    What’s your name?Jim HuntWhere do you work?I work in the Equal Opportunity Office, building 242. How long have you been at F.E. Warren? What other jobs have you had here, if any?I’ve been at F.E. Warren a total of 21 years, between two active duty tours and my time as the EO coordinator, which I’ve

  • Meet Your ... Sexual Assault Response Coordinator

    What’s your name? Jill RandallWhere do you work? SAPR OfficeSo what do you do around here?My way of describing my work is empowering people. We meet people after what is usually a really tough time in their life and it’s our goal to help get them back to feeling like themselves again.Where are you

  • Meet Your ... Community Readiness Consultant

    What’s your name?  Ron Navarra Where do you work? Airman & Family Readiness Center So what do you do around here? I’m a guy with a lot of different hats, but my primary duty is Relocations.  Basically, we help newcomers coming to F.E. Warren as well as personnel and their families that have orders

  • Living a life of gratitude

    A long time ago – at least it feels like forever ago when I was still wearing a uniform - I worked with a very eccentric chief petty officer (that’s a Navy E-7 to all you Air Force folks).During the time we worked together, we had endless discussions on life, music and the Navy. Yet one conversation

  • Lead selflessly

    When I was asked to write a leadership commentary, nearly two dozen topics instantly launched into my head, swimming around with stories and anecdotes of which could have the best impact, which could truly influence the reader and others which could teach and improve our Airmen. Things like: genuine

  • Z's Take on Leadership

    A few years ago, at one of my Professional Military Education seminars, I heard a guest speaker note, “Good leadership is easy to spot, and the concept itself is not that complex; yet, it so hard to do.”  To this day, I cannot recall the guest speaker’s name, but his words stood out to me so much

  • Why I Am Disinterested In Your Political Beliefs

    With the 2020 elections less than a week away, I would like to take this opportunity to remind our active duty military and Department of the Air Force civilians of their obligations to follow U.S. law, Department of Defense directives and Air Force instructions, which set clear limitations on

  • Positive Change

    General Dwight D. Eisenhower once said that leadership is the ability to get someone to do something you want done because they want to do it.The quote is one that I wasn’t aware of until I saw it etched into the first going away gift I ever received. I spent the first 3 years of my career at