The 90th Operations Group consists of more than 300 operators, facility managers, and support personnel. It is composed of three missile squadrons, an operations support squadron, and a standardization and evaluation element. Each tactical missile squadron is responsible for five Missile Alert Facilities and 50 Minuteman III ICBMs. The units of the 90th Operations Group include the 319th Missile Squadron, 320th Missile Squadron, 321st Missile Squadron, and 90th Operations Support Squadron.
The 90th Operations Group provides command and control of 15 Missile Alert Facilities and 150 intercontinental ballistic missiles in a 9,600 square-mile area across three states. The 90 OG is comprised of the 90th Operations Support Squadron, 319th Missile Squadron, 320th Missile Squadron, 321st Missile Squadron, and a Standardization and Evaluation element.
Missileers of the 90 OG work together with pilots, maintainers, chefs, and facility managers to accomplish the mission of providing the President of the United States, the nation, and its allies with a secure, safe, and effective nuclear deterrent 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.