Commentary Search

  • Tolerance: Do we love our neighbors as ourselves?

    Tolerance is defined as a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, and nationality differ from one's own.Often, we say we love our neighbor but that love quickly turns to hate when we are wronged in some manner. Since the terrorist attacks of

  • Hitler’s final solution: Remembrance for prevention

    Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933, with the ability to attempt total annihilation of the Jewish population of Germany.Hitler and his Third Reich believed the Jews were an impure, inferior race, one prone to corruption and crime. He also believed blond-haired,

  • Activities at Warren? Make it so!

    I was never a big Star Trek fan, but I did enjoy watching the Next Generation series. You know, the one with Captain Picard, not Kirk.In just about every episode, Captain Picard would prepare his crew for a mission and would ultimately get underway by giving the crew the order to engage.With that

  • Events leading to Holocaust

    It has been 65 years since the Allies liberated the concentration camps and freed all of the prisoners from certain death.This month, we remember all of the souls that were stolen during that time.There were numerous events that led up to the beginning of the extermination of "those not worthy;"

  • Remembrance: Celebrate diversity, abolish indifference

    Next week has been designated to remember the more than 6 million victims of Nazi aggression and the Holocaust.The United States Holocaust Museum has selected "Never Again: What You Do Matters" as the theme for this year's Days of Remembrance.This theme is a fitting tribute to the courageous men and

  • What makes a leader?

    What comes to mind when you hear the words lead or leader? Well, lead means to act as a guide, and leader means a person who leads, directs, commands or guides a group or activity. The current Air Force professional development guide says leadership is the art of influencing and directing people to

  • Warren reflects upon effects of Holocaust in today’s society

    How every person is remembered is just as important as how they lived. Men and women who lost their lives in service were defending their families -- the same families that mourn them once gone.What happens when there is no one to mourn a lost family member? What if six million members of a single

  • The importance of IMAs

    When I was active duty, I never really understood the role of reservists.When I deployed to Afghanistan, I worked with many traditional reservists, and I appreciated how they were organized. They belonged to a unit composed of people like them, and they had that catchy slogan of "one weekend a

  • Privacy Act for dummies: Use of statement sometimes required

    Now that I've got your attention, here is some guidance on how to use the Privacy Act.You're probably thinking, "I live in the computer age so how is an act that was around before Bill Gates found a window going to help me?"Well, do you know what it protects? Do you know what is releasable and what

  • Women’s History Month ends, time to reflect

    As Women's History Month comes to an end, it is time to reflect on the different events sponsored on base and worldwide and see if these have made an impact on individual's thoughts and ideas of women's history.While there are a variety of things to consider, the most significant contribution