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  • Boosting the brain

    As part of move to further modernize the nuclear enterprise, Airmen from the 91st Missile Wing, at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, recently implemented a $68 million upgrade to the LGM-30G Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile.First used on June 23, this new device – known as the Data

  • Local musician Chancey Williams experiences Thunderbirds flight

    A local Wyomingite, who also happens to be a country music singer-songwriter and former saddle-bronco rider received a celebrity flight with the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds during Cheyenne Frontier Days in Cheyenne, Wyo., July 24.  Chancey Williams flew with Maj. Scott Petz, Thunderbirds #8 pilot,

  • Tax Center ready to assist

    Dealing with 1040s, W-2s and state forms can be taxing. Fortunately the 90th Missile Wing Tax Center, in Building 232 on F.E. Warren Air Force Base, is now open to help active-duty military, retirees and dependents until Apr. 18.  “This is a complete volunteer force, and they are very enthusiastic