“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”
The quote is often credited to Winston Churchill, though Ronald Reagan seemed to have shared the thought as well.
I grew up around horses. My mom had several as I grew up and then she talked me into buying a colt the spring I graduated from high school.
When I was in the Navy, whenever I—or, later, my wife and kids—went home on leave, we had to ride. It was just an accepted, pleasurable part of life.
But, it has been at least a decade since I had been on a horse and I really didn’t miss it much. Except every July as Cheyenne fills up with horses for Cheyenne Frontier Days.
Then I feel the ache. I can’t really describe it, I just need to get back in the saddle.
Thankfully, the 90th Force Support Squadron came to my rescue. The Outdoor Recreation office sponsored a trail ride in Estes Park, Colorado.
So, I got my fix. Last Sunday, I joined nine others who had signed up for the trip and spent two hours on a horse, riding up and down mountain trails in sight of the Continental Divide.
When it was time to dismount, I was a bit stiff and sore, but it was a good feeling. I had been back in the saddle again.
Outdoor Rec hosts a number of trips a month with a wide variety of options—horseback riding, skiing, skydiving or maybe some homebrew lessons.
For more information, or to find a trip that might interest you, check out the monthly Antelope on the FunAtWarren (http://www.funatwarren.com/current-antelope-publication/) site.