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Financial Matters: We need your help to close-out


Financial close-out time is upon us again. Fiscal Year 2016 ends Sept. 30, and Fiscal Year 2017 begins Oct. 1. The 90th Comptroller Squadron will continue to work hard to ensure your vouchers and associated travel entitlements are processed as accurately and timely as possible. 


However, we need your help. Regulations dictate that “all claims must be submitted within five days of return to or arrival at the permanent duty station” (DODFMR vol 9 chap 8 para 0804).


In an effort to expedite the closing of your travel order and to return any residual funds associated with your order, we ask that you submit your travel voucher within two working days after you return to F.E. Warren. This will accelerate your reimbursement, and will ensure your Government Travel Card is paid.


When you signed your Government Travel Card Statement of Understanding, you agreed to: 

  • Pay all undisputed charges by the due date on the monthly billing statement

  • File travel vouchers promptly

  • Notify your agency program coordinator of any problems with respect to your usage of the GTC

  • Notify the travel card vendor and the agency program coordinator if your card is lost or stolen. 

Finally, you also agreed to abide by the mandatory split disbursement option. Essentially, this means you elected to have your GTC balance paid by your travel voucher. You are responsible for any residual balance on your GTC.


In light of these agreements, it is prudent to file your travel voucher(s) as soon as possible so that you may be reimbursed as quickly as DTS will allow and so that your GTC is paid in a timely manner.