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New memories in familiar places

  • Published
  • By Tia Woolverton, Lodging Operations Manager
  • 90th Force Support Squadron

Change is a familiar friend in the military, no matter the branch of service. Like so many others, Sam and Alicia Liburdi lived that whirlwind experience during Sam’s time in the Air Force here at F.E. Warren back in the early 1980s.

When Sam was assigned here, Quarters 44 was bachelors’ quarters and 20th Air Force was the 4th Air Division, and the Liburdis would soon be able to attest to the trials and whirlwind of expectations that come with the military lifestyle. A few months after their Valentines Day engagement in 1983, while Sam was in training and about 7 months before their planned wedding date of June 1984, permanent change of station orders came for Sam with a report date of Jan. 3, 1984. Every military family knows that feeling, where quick decisions have to be made and numerous plans and preparations are put together for jobs and home alike. With the shortened timeline, Sam and Alicia called their priest to say they were heading to get married by the justice of the peace. Their priest wasn’t having any of that and told them that he would be there to marry them in a church.

On the day of their quickly planned wedding, a record snowfall struck Cheyenne, nearly making the priest late to the entire affair! Luckily, he was able to officiate despite the weather, and the rest, as they say, is history. After Sam’s 26 years in the Air Force, the Liburdis are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary a little early by traveling to their old stomping grounds here at F.E. Warren AFB. They’re even going as far as staying in the same room that Sam lived in when he was stationed here before getting married.

Lodging may be a little different from when he was living in bachelor’s quarters, but this happy couple are creating new memories in familiar places.