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Officer’s council gives back

F. E. WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, WYO -- There are almost 400 company grade officers at Air Force Global Strike Command's F. E. Warren Air Force Base Wyo.

The Company Grade Officers' Council's number one priority is to incorporate camaraderie, esprit de corps and professional development throughout the CGO community. To facilitate this, there are meetings held from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Pershing Room of the Trail's End Club on the first Friday of every month. These meetings enable professional growth, knowledge, information sharing and most importantly, the opportunity to bond with fellow CGOs!

In strengthening this bond, the CGOC's mission to provide base and community support has never been more evident than in the local activities in which we participate. Currently, Operation Warren Cares is the biggest and most influential program that the CGOC sponsors on base.

Our OWC officer 1st Lt. Kurt Seidl, 90th Civil Engineer Squadron, organizes and implements base-wide support for spouses, military members and those in need of services who can not accomplish tasks such as yard work, pet sitting, minor repairs, etc., on their own. In addition to OWC, the CGOC provides tutoring and mentoring volunteer opportunities via Freedom Elementary school here on base.

Both 2nd Lt. Brian Kingcade, 90th Forces Support Squadron, and 2nd Lt. Jessica Barbee, 90th Contracting Squadron, take excellent care in providing Freedom Elementary School with tutors who help students in math, reading, physical education and much more.

The CGOC also assists with other base agencies and organizations to provide designated drivers, volunteers and additional support to improve military and civilian relationships throughout the community.

Interacting with off-base civilian organizations provides invaluable growth for the council. We have donated more than $100 in foods and supplies to the Comea House in Cheyenne, Wyo. Our community service officer Capt. Michelle Clark, 90th Missile Wing Judge Advocate, organizes events to enrich the community we serve.

CGOs are encouraged to donate much needed goods to the shelter during our monthly meetings. In the future, we plan to partake in the soup kitchen at the Comea House, which will provide hundreds of families in need with a hot meal and shelter. Recently, 1st Lt. Benjamin Andera, 319th Missile Squadron and CGOC treasurer, has enabled the CGOC to link up with Landmark Event Staffing, which is an organization that allows us to provide security for the local collegiate football and basketball games at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyo.

On a final note, the CGOC has been able to sustain successful community involvement, base support and phenomenal volunteers because of its solid foundation. Without the CGOC board members: Capt. Sarah Hooker, 90th Medical Support Squadron and vice president; 1st Lt. Ann Wessell, 319th MS and secretary; Lt. Andera, treasurer; Capt. Samuel Graham, 321st Missile Squadron and professional development officer; Captain Clark, community service officer; 1st Lt. Brooke Brzozowske, 90th Missile Wing Public Affairs and CGOC PA officer; Capt. Osei Boakye, 320th Missile Squadron and activities officer; and Lt. Seidl, OWC officer; and the rest of Warren's CGOs, we would not be able to achieve such accomplishments.

I would like to thank those of you for helping and being part of something greater than the CGOC, and I look forward to much success in the future!