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Standards: Go above, beyond the expected

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Katrina King
  • 90th Missile Wing command section NCO in-charge
As members of Air Force Global Strike Command's "best ICBM wing", the nature of our mission requires us to adhere to standards and to go above and beyond what is expected of us. Not only does our command demand it, but our nation depends on us to do the job right the first time, every time.

We are expected to follow the rules and practice our Air Force core values daily. The magic question is, does this apply to just doing the job or should it echo in everything we do? While some of us may view this as a simple question with a simple answer, the truth is we have become so focused on the daily grind of work that we sometimes overlook the small, yet no less important, things.

Earlier this year, Col. Greg Tims, the 90th Missile Wing commander, conducted several commander's calls, where he stated, "Rules apply to everyone." This means regardless of attire, military and civilian, we are accountable for our actions. The Mighty Ninety is comprised of some of the most professional individuals I have encountered in the Air Force to date. I know these professionals take pride in the work they perform and understand that regardless of their position, they are a vital part of this mission.

First thing in the morning, I am greeted with a smile by a security forces member, which is a testament to how important customer service is to this group. We are all customers and at some point during the day, we provide customer service to others. Quality customer service is a standard; we can choose to make a great impression or we can tarnish customer relationships, resulting in reduced confidence we have earned to get the job done.

When we wake up in the morning, get dressed for work and look in the mirror, do we say to ourselves, "I know my hair is touching my ears but I can wait until next week to get a haircut," or "I know I am supposed to wear my earrings in the lowest hole on my earlobe while in uniform, but maybe no one will notice if I wear them in the top hole." Dress and appearance is a standard; we can choose to start our day looking and feeling our best or lose the trust of those who count on us. It is the little things we do that make a big difference in accomplishing our mission.

When it comes to standards, our core values serve as guidance to keep us on track. It takes courage, which is a tenet of "Integrity First," to do the right thing even when no one is looking. We must follow, which is a tenet of "Service before Self," because we know rules are there for a reason. Operational excellence, a tenet of "Excellence in All We Do," is the reason we are the "best ICBM wing" in the command.

Choose today to be your best and do your best everyday for your unit, wing, Air Force and country.

To learn more about the Air Force core values, visit