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Yellow card: Don't leave home without it

F. E. WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, Wyo. -- For all active-duty dependants, retirees and retiree family members the next time you visit the 90th Medical Group, whether it is for a routine visit, to pick up a prescription, get an x-ray, or get lab work done, you will be asked for your identification card and your "yellow card."

Similar to the civilian health insurance system where patients are required to show proof of insurance, the Air Force asks that all active duty family members, retirees and retiree family members show proof that a Department of Defense Form 2569, Record of Other Health Insurance, is on file with the 90th MDG. Even if a patient or family member has no other health insurance, Congress has mandated that a form be completed and kept on file showing that the patient or family members have no record of Other Health Insurance. The DD Form 2569 must be completed by each individual, one form per person, per year in all Air Force Global Strike bases. You are required to update your DD Form 2569 information annually, even if there has been no change within the past year. The yellow card lets the 90th MDG staff know whether your DD Form 2569 is current or needs renewal.

Civilian health insurance companies are mandated by law to reimburse the government for medical treatment provided at the 90th MDG. In turn, the 90th MDG's OHI Program is responsible for billing the insurance companies for services performed, items used, or prescriptions filled.

How does letting the 90th Medical Group know I have Other Health Insurance benefit me, the patient? Deductibles! When you utilize your private health insurance, all visits to the 90th MDG can be applied to your policy's deductible. It's a win-win situation. You can meet your annual deductible without paying a cent, and the 90th MDG can build up revenue to help continue providing quality health care for you. The money collected helps pay for needed medical equipment to provide you with the best possible medical care.

Concerned that your other health insurance rates will go up if you release this information to the 90th MDG? Insurance rates are calculated a number of ways. The cost of your employer's health insurance is dependent on the total number of claims it has across the entire organization plus other factors such as adding or subtracting people on the plan, increasing or decreasing deductibles or co-pays, or offering a Health Maintenance Organization vs. Preferred Provider Organization plan. These things would happen regardless of whether you received care at F. E. Warren Air Force Base or from an off base provider.

What if your health insurance changes? Please notify the medical technician or receptionist immediately upon check-in. They will give you another form to complete and update your yellow card.

If you have any questions or need more information, please call Angie Occiano, 90th Medical Support Squadron Other Health Insurance Representative, at 773-3171, or Tech. Sgt. Jeffrey Naughton, 90th MDSS, at 773-4373.