Commitment to God, Family, Country =Resiliency Published Sept. 28, 2012 By Staff 90th Missile Wing Chapel F. E. WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, Wyo. -- Have you ever just sat back and reflected on an event you participated in, and realized that you were part of something great? This past Sunday, several people of the chapel took part in a "Resolution" service, were we stood before our spouse and the chapel community to recommit ourselves to God, spouse (or future spouse), and to children. I promised my family and God that I will be the spiritual leader that God called me to be. This promise was to be the man I have always wanted to be, a man who stood for and with his family, teaching them how to be more than just successful in the world's economy, but to be great in God's. My family deserves an inheritance greater than money and property; they deserve an inheritance that can last them beyond a lifetime. An inheritance my wife can believe in, and my kids will desire to pass on to their kids. My family needs a committed man of God, husband, father, provider, teacher, and leader who will honor God and them with his life. As I stood before the church and my wife making this promise, I felt the presence of God blessing this moment in time. Let me take you back to when we realized God was about to something great. In March, The chapel staff was having a brain-storming session about how to help our Air Force families here at F. E. Warren. We wanted to strengthen marriages and to see the importance of their marriage vows. Out of that conversation, the idea came to show the movie "Courageous" at the base theater, with follow-up Bible studies, teaching, and commitment ("Resolution") services. About two days later, our wing chaplain, who was deployed at the time, wanted to have a conference call with the chaplains because he had this great idea to reach families by showing the movie "Courageous" at the base theater, with follow-up Bible studies ...well you get the idea. We knew we had to make this happen. I called the distributors of the movie and they quoted me a price for the rights to play the movie and a DVD. This seems like no big deal, but I found out later our theater does not play DVDs. In a conversation with the AAFES manager, Jeff Hyatt, I asked him if we could get the right type of film for our theater and he said, "let me see what I can do." He not only got the right type of film but he got it at a huge savings. The AAFES team helped us with the advertisements, tickets, giving us a great deal on the refreshments, and just being an awesome teammate. The theater ran the movie in June, and from that event several people recommitted their lives to God; three Bible studies based on the movie were formed; and 13 people took part in a "Resolution" service promising to stand for God, the church, and their family. The chapel staff was and is amazed at how God used this movie to move in the lives of so many, and we are very thankful for everyone who helped, participated, and prayed for this event. One more thing I would like to touch on - the new buzz word in Air Force health is resiliency. What is resiliency? It is being able to remain whole when negative events or things come into one's life. Think about this, a huge part of resiliency comes from liking the person you are and who you are becoming. This makes sense, if I believe my life is making a difference and has purpose, I will see myself as one of value. If your family is falling apart because you have been just good enough toward them; not bad but not really making a difference in your family's lives? How will that affect your self-image, how will that affect your resilience? The person who has made up their mind to be more than a good enough husband/wife, father/mother, man/woman will strive to make a difference in someone else's life, which in turn will help them see the value and purpose in their own life. I believe resiliency comes when a person stops living just for self and gives himself/herself to a higher calling (God, spouse, children, country). The chapel staff is committed to helping direct our Airmen, and their families, to stay together, resilient, strong, always looking toward where their help will come from, the Lord (Psalm 121).