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The Mighty Ninety is ready for the NSI

  • Published
  • By Maj. Steven Ohlmeyer
  • 90th Security Forces Squadron commander
The weatherman may have missed the memo, but it is spring. It's the time of year when we throw open the windows and breathe in the fresh air. With spring comes a sense of renewal, invigoration and the pride of getting through another cold and windy Wyoming winter.

Yet unlike a bear that curls up and merely survives the winter, the 90th MW has thrived these past months. Through numerous exercises, countless extra hours at work, revisions upon revisions, checklists, instructions, other guidance and nights spent away from the family dinner table, the wing has worked incredibly hard to prepare for this week's Nuclear Surety Inspection.

After so much preparation and emphasis on the importance of the inspection, many of you may feel anxious about how it will turn out. But you've put in the work! Your supervisors and commanders have tested your knowledge and skills. You and the entire 90th Missile Wing team are indeed ready.

This week is really no different than any other. Every Airman on this base plays an important role in our wing mission. We all have a job to do and we should approach that responsibility each day remembering our core values of integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do. Be excellent this week in everything you do! Yes, the audience is a bit different, with a few more sets of eyes watching everything we do, but if we accept no less from ourselves than excellence, it doesn't matter who is watching.

Just a few weeks ago was March Madness, and there is no bigger stage in college basketball than the NCAA tournament. Just like those teams that have worked hard all season long and prepared themselves for the big game, it is now time to perform. You are all starters in our big game and with the game on the line, will you pass the ball to a teammate and let the burden of that last shot fall to someone else or will you believe in your training and ability and take the shot? Believe in yourselves and trust your ability ... take the shot.

Big plays take confidence, attitude and focus, and each of us must be mentally tough this week. Your confidence and attitude should stem from knowing your leadership believes in you and your training.

Your ability to remain focused comes from eliminating distractions and reducing stress. For many of us, that means setting realistic expectations with our spouse and family at times like this when work must be our priority. Military spouses and families are amazing. They, too, support our mission and understand service before self, because so many times they live that core value right along with us. How many times has your family attended a school event without you or have you missed dinner but they had your plate waiting for you when you got home? Take the time to tell them about the inspection, why it's important for the wing, and what it will mean for you as far as extra time away from home. Their buy-in makes a difference.

Keep an eye on your coworkers and friends. If you notice someone who seems stressed, do what you can to help them get the job done. Give them some encouragement. Sometimes a simple "thank you" for their hard work is all they need to hear.

After a long winter, the Mighty Ninety team is practiced and prepared. Open your windows and let the fresh spring air energize you for the week ahead. It's time to put our skills on display and show that we are ready to fight and win ... anytime, anywhere.