F.E. WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, Wyo. -- The Mighty Ninety hosted a quarterly awards ceremony at the base theater on F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, May 3, 2024, honoring those who went above and beyond in their units and the wing.
Airman of the Quarter
Senior Airman Michael Andruch
Non-Commissioned Officer of the Quarter
Staff Sgt. Brandon Whalen
Senior Non-Commissioned Officer of the Quarter
Master Sgt. Matthew Wanner
Company Grade Officer of the Quarter
Capt. Paige Skinner
Field Grade Officer of the Quarter
Maj. Kirsten McKenzie
Professional Team of the Quarter
90 CS / COMSEC Office
Civilian Category I Non-Supervisory of the Quarter
Sara Flanary
Civilian Category I Supervisory of the Quarter
Kerry McInelly
Civilian Category II Non-Supervisory of the Quarter
Allison Barth
Civilian Category II Supervisory of the Quarter
David Marsteller
Honor Guard of the Quarter
Airman 1st Class Jeremy Alexander
Dorm of the Quarter
Airman 1st Class William Hernandez
Safety Achievement Award
Tech. Sgt. Michael Moore