F.E. WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, Wyo. -- The Association of Air Force Missileers Board of Directors is publicly announcing a call for nominees for the inaugural class of AFM Hall of Fame. The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2022.
The AAFM Board of Directors recently voted to establish the AFM Hall of Fame, recognizing individuals who have significantly contributed to the success of this enduring mission in the areas of operations, maintenance, security, supply, engineering, services and special duty assignments.
To qualify for consideration, nominees must have:
- Made significant contributions towards the development, operations, maintenance, security, and support of the nation’s missile force, including USAF nuclear missile weapons systems: Snark, Matador/Mace, Thor, Atlas, Titan, Minuteman, Ground Launched Cruise Missiles, small ICBM, Peacekeeper, Ground Based Strategic Deterrent, and others.
- Exhibited characteristics that prove them to be noteworthy in all areas of work, discipline, reliability, aptitude, achievement, responsibility, and motivation through a lifetime of support to the USAF missile enterprise or through a single event that warrants consideration for induction into the HOF.
- Eligibility includes Air Force officers, NCOs, and civilians (DoD, contractors, political figures).
- Nominees need not be members of AAFM.
Applications for the AFM HOF will be scored using the following selection criteria:
- Career Missile Accomplishments
- Contributions to the USAF Missile Mission
- Missile Assignments
- Leadership
- Personal Character
- Community Service
Nominations should be submitted on a single page, single spaced, Times New Roman 10 point font in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format providing a summary of accomplishments. The nomination package should include the email, phone number, and postal address of the nominee or closest family member if the award is to be presented posthumously. The nomination package may include an 8x10 color (if available) photo (to be used for the exhibit).
Submit via email AFMHOF@afmissileers.org no later than 1 June 2022.
According to their mission statement, the AAFM is committed to the preservation and celebration of U.S. Air Force missile heritage, advocating for the nuclear deterrence mission since 1993.