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Good Order & Discipline (August & September 2021)

  • Published
  • By Staff Reports
  • 90th Missile Wing Staff Judge Advocate

The following incidents are ALL of the nonjudicial punishment, discipline related administrative discharges, or court-martial convictions that closed out during the months of August and September.


***WARNING:  The incidents portrayed below are REAL and reflect actual events.  The names have been redacted to comply with the Privacy Act.  If you value your Air Force career, you will not attempt ANY of the action described below.  IF YOU DO, YOU MAY RECEIVE DISCIPLINE.***



Nonjudicial Punishment (Article 15)

An Airman First Class (A1C) kicked in a dormitory door in order to retrieve a fellow Airman’s wallet that was locked inside the dorm room.  The commander determined the A1C violated Articles 108, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment:  Forfeitures of $660.00 pay per month for 2 months; and a reprimand.
#youbreakityoubuyit #notthepreferredCOA


A Staff Sergeant (SSgt) created a hostile work environment by asking subordinates about intimate and personal details including their sexual activity, made sexually explicit comments in the workplace, and touched a subordinate Airman in a way that made the Airman uncomfortable.  The commander determined the SSgt violated Articles 93 and 134, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment:  Reduction to Senior Airman; and a reprimand. #TMI #NCOsshouldknowbetter


A Senior Airman (SrA) was brandishing a firearm during a road rage incident in Colorado.  During the course of the investigation, it was discovered the SrA was supposed to be in quarantine at the time of the incident.  The local prosecutor retained jurisdiction of the firearm incident, but the commander decided to take action on the quarantine violation.  The commander determined the SrA violated Article 92, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment:  Reduction to Airman First Class; and a reprimand.
#keepyourcool #ifyoumighthavetheronajuststayhome


An Airman First Class (A1C) was selected for a random drug urinalysis inspection.  The A1C’s test results came back positive for cocaine, D-Amphetamine, and MDA.  The commander determined the A1C violated Article 112A, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment:  Reduction to Airman Basic, suspended Forfeitures of $892.00 pay per month for 2 months; and a reprimand. #don’tdodrugs #definitelydon’tdoallthedrugs


An Airman First Class (A1C) left an assigned security post at the Wings Over Warren Airshow and drove into the airshow box.  The A1C had been just been briefed as to the importance to ensuring no one crossed into the active show box.  The commander determined the A1C violated Article 92, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment:  Reduction to Airman; and a reprimand.
#safetyfirst #holdyourpost


An Airman First Class (A1C) was selected for a random drug urinalysis inspection.  The A1C’s test results came back positive for THC.  The commander determined the A1C violated Article 112A, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment:  Reduction to Airman, suspended; and a reprimand.
#notworthyourcareer #weedisstillillegalinthemilitary


Administrative Discharges

*Administrative Discharges resulting from misconduct, including drug abuse, almost always result in a loss of some veteran benefits, specifically education benefits like the GI Bill. A discharge characterization that is not Honorable, may also limit future employment opportunities*


An Airman First Class (A1C) tested positive for THC during a random urinalysis inspection.  Subsequently, under the “Bickel” retest authority, the Airman continued to have another two positive drug tests for THC.  For the misconduct, the Airman was separated for drug abuse with an under honorable conditions (general) service characterization. 
#mandatorydischarge #byebyebenefits



Court-Martial Convictions

United States v. SSgt Charles D. Garron

SSgt Garron was convicted at a General Court Martial for abusive sexual contact of an 11 year old child.  SSgt Garron, in accordance with a plea agreement, pled guilty to the violation of Article 120 of the UCMJ.  The Military Judge accepted SSgt Garron’s plea and imposed the following punishment:  12 months confinement, Dishonorable Discharge; reduction to grade of Airman Basic; total forfeitures of all pay and allowances; and a reprimand.  This conviction results in sex offender registration, which in many states is a lifetime registration. 


United States v. Capt Alex M. Covey

Capt Covey was convicted at a General Court Martial for aggravated assault on his spouse.  Capt Covey, in accordance with a plea agreement, pled guilty to violations of Article 128 of the UCMJ.  The Military Judge accepted Capt Covey’s plea and imposed the following punishment:  45 days confinement; and a Dismissal.  Convictions for domestic violence trigger the Lautenberg Amendment, which prohibits the convicted individual from every purchasing, owning, or being issued a firearm in the future.