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Good Order and Discipline: May 2021

A graphic representing a monthly non-judicial punishment, administrative discharge or court-martial convictions of the 90th Missile Wing, F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, Oct. 14, 2020. The monthly product is designed to motivate Airmen to avoid similar results and to have good order and discipline. (Air Force graphic by Glenn Robertson)

A graphic representing a monthly non-judicial punishment, administrative discharge or court-martial convictions of the 90th Missile Wing, F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, Oct. 14, 2020. The monthly product is designed to motivate Airmen to avoid similar results and to have good order and discipline. (Air Force graphic by Glenn Robertson)



The following incidents are ALL of the nonjudicial punishment, discipline related administrative discharges, or court-martial convictions that closed out during the month of May.

***WARNING:  The incidents portrayed below are REAL and reflect actual events.  The names have been redacted to comply with the Privacy Act.  If you value your Air Force career, you will not attempt ANY of the action described below.  IF YOU DO, YOU MAY RECEIVE DISCIPLINE.***


Nonjudicial Punishment (Article 15)

A technical sergeant decided to speak openly, and in great detail, about personal sexual encounters at work with junior Airmen and civilian employees.  The sergeant also showed lewd photos to the same coworkers.  The commander determined the sergeant violated Articles 134 and 92, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment:  Reduction to the grade of staff sergeant; forfeiture of $1,803.00 pay for two months (suspended); 30 days extra duty (suspended); and reprimand. #TMI #nottheplace

An airman 1st class was selected for a random urinalysis test. The results returned positive for THC at 27 ng/ml. The commander determined the Airman violated Article 112a, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment: Reduction to the grade of airman basic and forfeiture of $892.00 per month for one month (suspended). #justsayno #youwillgetcaught                                                                                             

A senior airman crashed a personally owned vehicle into a power pole near Nationway and Ridge Road. When officers responded, they saw the Airman with a bloody nose and they smelled alcohol on the Airman’s breath. The commander determined the Airman violated Article 113, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment: Reduction to the grade of airman (reduction below the grade of A1C suspended) and a reprimand. #justcallforaride #couldhaveendedsomuchworse                                                       

An airman 1st class was administered a drug urinalysis test during a unit sweep. The Airman’s test results came back positive for THC at 28 ng/ml. The commander determined the Airman violated Article 112a, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment: Reduction to the grade of airman basic and a reprimand. #don’tdodrugs #seeyouwillgetcaught

An airman 1st class was administered a drug urinalysis test during a unit sweep.  The Airman’s test results came back positive for THC at 37 ng/ml. The commander determined the Airman violated Article 112a, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment: Reduction to the grade of airman basic, forfeiture of $892.00 (suspended) and a reprimand.  #notagoodtrend #toldyouso

An airman 1st class took unauthorized leave well outside of the local area. The Airman failed to report for the Airman’s next scheduled duty due to the return flight being delayed. The commander determined the Airman violated article 86, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment; reduction to airman (suspended); restriction to base for 30 days and a reprimand. #thiscouldhavebeenavoided

A staff sergeant provided alcohol to a minor during a party at the sergeant’s on-base residence. Several days later, the sergeant went to visit some junior Airmen in the dorms, during which time the sergeant became heavily intoxicated. The sergeant made sexual comments toward a junior Airman of the opposite sex and pounded on the Airman’s door so hard that it broke, causing over $1,000 in damages. The commander determined the sergeant violated Articles 108, 92, and 134, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment: Reduction to senior airman; forfeiture of $1,414.00 for two months (suspended); restriction to base for 30 days (suspended); and a reprimand. #allkindsofproblemshere #drunkisnotanexcuse

An airman basic was administered a drug urinalysis test during a unit sweep which resulted in a positive for THC at 28 ng/ml. The Airman then retested under the Bickel authority and had results return positive for Cocaine at 520 ng/ml. The commander determined the Airman violated Article 112a, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment: forfeiture of $892.00 for two months (one month suspended), and a reprimand. #cocaineisworse  #gotcaughttwice

An airman 1st class was pulled over while driving in downtown Cheyenne and was administered a Breath Alcohol Test. The test returned positive for the presence of alcohol at 0.15% BrAC. The Airman was also under the legal drinking age at the time. The commander determined the Airman violated Article 113 and 92, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment: Reduction to the grade of airman basic (reduction below Airman suspended); forfeiture of $375.00, and a reprimand. #haveaplan #luckytobealive

An airman 1st class drank under the legal age for consuming alcohol and became quite intoxicated. The Airman was later found confused and attempting to enter an off-base house without authorization. The Cheyenne Police Department picked up and detained the Airman until personnel from the Airman's unit arrived.  The commander determined the Airman violated Article 134 and 92, UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment: Reduction to airman (suspended); 30 days extra duty; restriction to base for 30 days; and a reprimand.                                                                                                                     #don’tdrinkuntilyour21 #whenyouare21drinkresponsibly

Administrative Discharges

*Administrative Discharges resulting from misconduct, including drug abuse, almost always result in a loss of some veteran benefits, specifically education benefits like the GI Bill. A discharge characterization that is not Honorable, may also limit future employment opportunities*

No Administrative Discharges in the month of May.

Court Martial Convictions

No Court Martial Convictions for the month of May.