Action Items:
- Shadow Program Restart: Airmen would like to restart the Shadow program for the command chief and the wing commander. We’ll continue to evaluate the environment and get this started once we are reasonably safe. (OPR: CCC/CC)
- Civilian Quarterly Awards: SNCOs would like to change the format from bullets to a narrative form instead. DONE! This will be effective with the 3rd Qtr award submissions. Also we are removing the names when scoring packages to help prevent bias (thanks Maj Tuchscherer!) CLOSED.
- SNCO Stratification Discussions: Not everyone is openly communicating with their subordinates. SNCOs at the meeting and many since have reached out to CMSgt Bettisworth and let us know there’s no SQ/CC or Unit SEL discussions happening with them on why they are getting pushed for a strat or why not? THIS MUST HAPPEN. Squadron Commanders, own your units. Get this moving ASAP. OPEN. (OPR: Unit Commanders)
- NCO Professional Military Seminar: We do not have a PME dedicated to our new NCOs. Chief Bettisworth is fixing this. Should be ready by October!!! OPEN. (OPR: CCC)
Informational Items:
- Striker Culture: Folks are looking forward to the discussions on the Striker Culture efforts. They are learning a ton about their organizations and eager to make positive changes!
- DSD: Fall and Spring DSD cycles are combined.
- COVID-19 School Schedule: Folks are hunger to learn what the school schedule looks like. The school liaison officer on our next FB Live to answer the questions! One concern we all have – what happens if both parents work but want to keep their child at home. This needs to be a unit-informed decision. Unit commanders already have the authority to implement alternative work schedules that include telework.
- Dorm Xeroscaping: Some of the dorms are getting xeroscaped to prevent the weed issues we continue to see pop up. THANK YOU CE!!!!!
- Dorm Washer and Dryers: We have a ton of broken machines out there and the residents are frustrated. Should be delivered next week with a higher capacity machine.
JULY 2020
Action Items:
- Shadow Program Restart: Airmen would like to restart the Shadow program for the command chief and the wing commander. We’ll continue to evaluate the environment and get this started once we are reasonably safe. (OPR: CCC/CC)
- Diversity Council: There’s a whole host of events and activities headed our way to help us get after difficult times. (OPR: CCC/CC)
- eSports: We need a way to virtually connect. The Army is using a pretty active eSports campaign. Seems awesome. Let’s try it! (OPR: FSS)
Old Action Items: Note: Updates are in red.
- Chief Out of Cycle Hires: Chief Bettisworth and wing commander are working to get out-of-cycle hires for vacant chief positions. She's looking into the upcoming Civil Engineer Squadron and Security Forces Squadron vacancies right now. Priority fills established! CLOSED (OPR: CCC)
- ALS Graduation Fluctuates: We'll try a few different ideas and see which works well. Right now, an afternoon ceremony (UOD for attendees; service dress for participants), no dinner or guest speaker. ALS Commandant has process in place to try a variety of solutions. CLOSED (OPR: MSG)
- LCC Seat Cushions: They are here. MXG will give them to OG for installation. All cushions installed. (OPR: MXG; OCR: OG)
- Running Blinking Red Light at Gate 1: People are running the blinking red light at Gate 1. Turned over to ground safety to look at but, this is an enforcement problem. Until we get a better manning level in SFS, we are going to be low on patrols. CE has turned the traffic light on to work like normal. SE monitored 349 vehicles complied with the new light. CLOSED. (OPR: SE)
- Relook at Wing Resource Advisor Structure: Need to relook at our Wing RA structure. When we redistributed the RAs from the wing levels back to the units, we may not have gotten this exactly right. CPTS and LaunchWERX are tackling as a continuing process improvement. Manpower took this on, and we are continuing to work this validation. (OPR: MSG; OCR: FM)
- OCP Morale Patches: We see some other folks doing this so we need to figure out if this is going to be a new offering or do we need to proceed with our own policy? MSG has divided this into two tasks. First Functional the SF on the current OCP. Can we get one that says "ICBM"? Second, straight up morale patches. Corporate answer is still no but Col Ammons is wading through a murky fog to try to get us to yes. MXG led the functional tab charge. It’s at 20AF for review. Still holding fast on morale patches (OPR: MSG)
- Advertising: We need a comprehensive advertising campaign it needs to include APF, NAF, and Mission Partner advertising. We can’t figure out how to have a consolidated calendar of events. Form a stakeholders group to take this one. The solution will include text-casting. (OPR: PA) PA has formed a Communication Synchronization Working Group to work this issue and created a plan to combine advertising efforts for key events. First month went pretty well but we'll keep this one open till we see some more success with the app and with the community displays. Need to reinvigorate this effort. PA has lead. (OPR: PA)
- 24/7 Pool Hours for Active Duty: Waiver is at 20 AF. 20 AF/A1 is working with FSS on queries. The struggle continues to be the risk to patrons with clean water. The waiver package was denied but we really aren’t seeing any expanded hours.
- Welcome Center Development: AFGSC has directed wings to develop and open a welcome center (OPR: CC) AFRC has the lead on this. FSS and DoS have supplied tons of stuff. AFRC is scheduling a TDY to Whiteman to view the model. AFRC has pushed the space requirement to the Facilities Utilization Board for review. Plan is approved. We'll use building 210 as the Welcome Center. OPEN AND SUCCESSFUL. LOVE ACROSS THE WING TO EVERYONE INVOLVED. CLOSED!
- Family Care Plans: The command chief and the shirts took on the family care plans. We’ve all seen this antiquated plan cause us unnecessary strife. The shirts are working with LaunchWerx on courses of actions. A brilliant interim solution was developed and implemented our team. There’s additional step to go but this is on the right path so we’ll take it off the radar. CLOSED.
- Civilian Council Private Org: Our civilian Airmen are kicking around the idea of a private org for civilians. My thanks to Mr. Hunt for jumping on this. (OPR: EO) After some research and effort, looks like we are going to add a Civilian Council vice a private org.
- How do we get Uber and Lyft on base? The 90 MW/CCE’s mission to help us get to yes on this. (OPR: CCE) Got in touch with Uber and is getting them to distribute the Uber app with the MILITARY options in this region.
- Missile Field POS System for Kitchens: FSS is working. (OPR: MSG) Two POS systems will be installed this month at missile alert facilities to test. No inventory system though. We are researching what that costs.
- Commissary can’t Process WIC: We asked the Commissary to find out. (OPR: CC) Chief Bettisworth spoke with the Commissary folks and they are checking to see if they can get this sped up but it looks like we’ll get this in August.
- Speeding on Base: Folks are pretty fed up with this. Although they are glad to hear about the increased patrols and inbound speed carts, they want a few more things. One of those things is "Slow, Children" signs at the 15 MPH zones near playgrounds. Our placement on base is inconsistent. Some playgrounds have them; others don't. Sounds reasonable to me but I'd like to through that over to ground safety to work through the Traffic Safety Board. (OPR: SE) SFG had ordered the first speed cart. After delivery, expect another week for us to complete actions needed to start using it. Cart's finishing up calibration and we'll start random deployments this week. Oh, and if you haven't seen them, SFS is doing a phenomenal job cracking down on speeders! SLOW DOWN! Speed carts are functional and working well and we fixed the road by the SFG headquarters. CE has installed some signs but some still remain.
- FCC Providers: We won't ever have enough but we need to do a better job getting the requirements out to our base population. Currently, FCC training is scheduled 4 times a year. Spouses would like this to be conducted more often. Chief Bettisworth contacted FSS and found out FSS is willing to work with anyone on an individual basis to get requirements complete. Should conduct a rotational PA campaign. Asked FSS and PA to tell me what they think and we can go from there. (OPR: PA/FSS) FSS got this out there and on the website. We'll periodically refresh! CLOSED.
- Gym Equipment & Bigger Kids Room in Gym: Spouses would like more equipment and a bigger kid room in the gym. Chief Bettisworth asked all of them to get these comments into ICE. Chief Bettisworth also worked with Chief Anderson on the missing functional fitness equipment. (OPR: CCC; OCR: MSG) Chief has a list of the missing functional fitness equipment and got this fixed. CLOSED
- CDC Outdoor Playtime: Sounds like we weren't allowing kids outside in pretty decent weather because we had some snow piles along the fences. This is probably a moot point today, given the weather but we should take a look at the CDC snow/ice removal to see if we can facilitate outdoor playtime (OPR: FSS) Two days of 60 degree weather fixed this but Col Ammons and her MSG team are going to keep an eye on it. CLOSED.
Informational Items:
- What’s knowledge management? Our CGOs are asking where we are going. Part of STRIKER culture is absolutely innovating how we infuse and use data. A large part of this effort is understanding and assessing what data is available. Knowledge Management is the organizational structure that will enable this!
- Lead/mentor, understand your environment: As we spoke with the CGOs, we continue to mentor them to develop into leaders that are better, smarter and more lethal than we are. Part of that is understanding your own environment. Do this by asking: 1. What do we do? 2. What should we do? 3. How well are we doing it? 4. How do we know that?
- Mental Health Myth: There’s a concern that going to Mental Health will get you kicked out. This is untrue. Literally, dozens of folks go every day to the clinic and get the time, space and help they need. If you still have a concern about that stigma, go see our military family and life counselors (MFLACs). They will keep you safe.
- Airmen Deployments: Some Airmen are actively looking for the opportunity to deploy. They want to help make a difference. Please take care of your folks. Have a chat with them about their ideal deployment and help them get to yes.
- Air Show Thanks: Everyone loved the Air Show! Our thanks to all the wing members who had a hand in making this so successful. WELL DONE!
- Civilian Hires: In every forum, we were able to compliment the units for using the special qualifications pay to get bodies into civilian vacancies. Our CPO has done an amazing job providing a gentle but firm hand to guide our folks to success in civilian hiring. UPDATE: CPO continues to find ways to onboarding quickly and efficiently.
- BAH Rates/Dorm Occupancy: Shirts remain vigilant on our dormitory occupancy rates as well as our base allowance for housing (BAH) rates. BAH re-look continues to go up but we’re not really hopeful. We do see a positive trend in the dormitories. There's a lot of folks who like the dorms. Knowing they are choosing to live in the dorms helps us get buy-in from residents. Units are doing a great job determining if an Airman is ready to head downtown. If a first sergeant and commander don't think someone's a candidate for BAH, that's in their lane to keep them in the dorms.
Action Items:
- Super Bowl Late Reporting: NCOs asked for late reporting after the SuperBowl. No issues. (OPR: CC)
- Morale patches on OCPs: We see some other folks doing this, so we need to figure out if this is going to be a new offering or do we need to proceed with our own policy. (OPR: MSG)
Informational Items:
- Updates: Gave updates on the waivers in coordination, the off-base apartment situation, the new concealed carry policy on base, Rent Café, the Welcome Center, the Golf Course closure.
- SNCOs to Wing Stand Up: SNCOs are invited to the 8:45 a.m. Wing Stand Up. This is good development and helps us understand how we work together as a wing.
- BBC’s Snow Removal Plan: Discussed Balfour Beatty Community’s snow removal plans and we referred base residents to the Residents Council as an option to directly as BBC questions like this.
- Potholes: The 90th Civil Engineer Squadron has a plan to address this and will execute before June.
Action items:
- After-hours light signals: Is it possible to consider changing the after-hours yellow and red combination lights at the intersection of Old Glory and Missile Drive to Red and Red (4 way stop)? There’s been a couple of close calls. It would be appreciated if ground safety took a look at this; more than one person has witnessed this situation. (OPR: SE)
- Peak hour gate traffic: Would it be possible to use some type of augmentee during peak hours at the gates to expedite traffic entry? This has been used at Peterson AFB and Bolling, but not here. The chiefs will discuss this with the shirts. (OPR: CCC)
Informational items:
- 24/7 Pool access: How is the 24/7 pool access going? It is up at 20 AF. Some folks are not happy with this direction, but it may be worth it as a fitness option for our AD Airmen.
- Speed cameras: Asked about the speed cameras in housing. They are enthusiastically in favor of them. It would be good to get this program up and running.
- Parking: Asked about covered parking. This is unlikely, but if it is possible, it will be through a troop training project. It is highly unlikely to get MILCON for a parking garage.
- Gate 5: Asked that, since SFS has gone to 12s, is it possible to extend Gate 5 hours from 6 to 6? Good idea, but first need to concentrate on getting Gate 1 open for peak hours in the morning and evening.
- Resiliency Day: This is the shortened version of this long discussion: Those who put in effort and didn’t read a script got results and buy-in; those who did read from a script and didn’t put in any effort wasted a day. Many felt the day was useful. There’s several folks in every group that thought the day was useless. It was asked what they were going to do to fix it. Not the answer they wanted, but frankly, everyone is in this together and complainers waste time. NCOs and honestly all supervisors are expected to be engaged and getting this moving in the right direction when things are off. Commanders know another resiliency day (or whatever you want to call it) is expected before the end of next March. It is expected unit commanders will get help from leadership at every level. Airmen, Active Duty, Civilian and Contractors alike, deserve it. Chief Bettisworth did a pretty amazing job explaining to folks that there’s people sitting in their car before work, just wondering if it is worth it to come into work. It’s up to the whole team to make sure they want to open that door and walk inside.
- MXG Cold Weather gear: Folks said they couldn’t get cold weather gear for their troops. Chief Frizzo had this misperception fixed quickly, and is clearing up the misunderstanding. It was just a GPC issue. Thanks Chief!
Action Items:
- LaunchWERX Outreach: NCOs feel LaunchWERX is not reaching the target audience. How does this info continue to get out better? Public Affairs is already working with LaunchWERX on their stories, but this needs to be kept as an active engagement plan. People need to be educated on its mission and resources. (OPR: PA and LaunchWERX)
- NCO-tier Mentorship: Folks were incredibly interested in NCO-tier development/mentoring opportunities, specifically speed mentoring sessions with SNCOs. (OPR: CCC)
- Resiliency Day Feedback: NCOs were interested in the feedback from Resiliency Day and wondered if there are plans to have more resiliency events or days throughout the year. The wing is crushing it, so it is okay to take a knee. Looking at doing it semi-annually (at a minimum). (OPR: CC and CCC)
- Unite Funds: One thing an NCO brought up was how effective Unite funds are. Need to get a handout of what the funds can do per person. (OPR: MSG)
- Semi-Annual Heritage Events: NCOs raved about the heritage visit to Wright Patterson AFB. This will be continued on a semi-annual basis. (OPR: DS and HO).
Informational Items:
- Gate Feedback: 90th Security Forces Group has been outstanding to make the gate change happen, especially Gate 5 access. Initial Gate 2 feedback was mixed, but it is trending positive. The change provided the base with an opportunity to get the Greenway linked to base and open for pedestrians. Southbound I-25 speed is concerning when turning onto the base access off-ramp. Looking to reduce the highway speed. Currently partnering with Wyoming Department of Transportation to put in traffic lights before the winter months.
- Basic Allowance for Housing Issues: One misconception regarding BAH is it has dropped hundreds each year. BAH levels have stayed the same over last three years (O3E, TSgt, MSgt being exception). However, housing costs and availability are an issue. The BAH survey will be opened longer during PCS-intensive seasons and include other zip code regions.
- Housing (On- and Off-base) Concerns: New inbound personnel are not being provided with enough information to make good housing choices. Military Housing Office is available to work with members to find off-base leasing solutions for those awaiting base housing. MHO can also help negotiate other rental limitations i.e. pets. The initiative for off-base privatized housing focused on 2x Senior Airman BAH levels and needs, but not seeing a lot of progress. Currently working with military affairs on civil community solutions, and hoping this gets unstuck soon.
- Conceal Carry: NCOs asked how the decision for conceal carry is going. The decision is being vetted right now.
- Officer Training School Application Advice: The most important letter in the package is the supervisors recommendation stating why the Airman would be a good officer, how the Airman would positively impact the Air Force, etc.
JULY 2019
Action Items:
- SIACs: Please confirm the number of SIACs that are broken and the number that are on backorder. WAY FORWARD: MXG was able to determine two SIACs were burned out while 4 more were taken down, so the oil can be replaced. At this time, 4 are on backorder. CLOSED.
- Airmen’s Shadow Program: Folks asked if about starting up an officer and an enlisted shadow program. The shadow program for enlisted should include junior NCOs and Airmen…for officers, CGOs. WAY FORWARD: Chief Bettisworth has the enlisted shadow program ready to execute. The CGOC mentor will bring along ideas to the CGOC meeting next month. OPEN and in the works.
- MAFs/LFs/LCCs Tours: Non-missile field dispatch personnel would like the opportunity to go to the field. WAY FORWARD: There are “Open House” type opportunities with OG and MXG from time to time. This will be formalized through PA and one of the OG units. CLOSED
- Resiliency: What is the vision for MRTs? Chief Bettisworth has already set up a meeting with the MRT, NCOIC to get questions and provide a vector prior to discussion in the CAT/CAB. OPEN.
- Speeding: There is a vehicle speeding problem. Every single person gave a personal story regarding speeding. Piute Street, in particular, was brought up. Maybe more patrols or a temp speed bump is the near term solution, but this isn’t just about enforcement. It’s also about education, prevention, and early engineering. Ground Safety take the lead on this, and work closely with PA, SFS, and CE on a comprehensive program to address the issue. WAY FORWARD: From the enforcement perspective, LIDAR training was recently held for patrolmen, and the 90 SFS will review the targeted deterrence schedule for sufficiency. OPEN and being addressed through traffic management.
- Apiaries: Looking to add a collection of beehives on base. The person who asked the question was connected with the Conservation POC in CE. OPEN. This is moving forward along with a community garden project. Great idea!