Action Items:
- Requests for Extended Training: People on base are requesting timely training on MPF tasks due to a steady workload increase. FSS will continue to promote this training to raise awareness. CLOSED
- UPC and CSS Workload: If the workload has grown substantial for the UPC and CSS personnel, please consider a PD review to ensure we are within the PD boundaries. (OPR: All Squadron Commanders, as required)
- Wing Front Office Move: The wing front office will move. MXG will temporarily move locations while the Wing fills its space. IGQ will move to the SAPR/EO office. Mr. Jenkins and Col. Konowicz are working the requirements and potential solution within the WSA. If needed, we’ll take to the FUB. (OPR: CV)
- Uniform Budget Requirements: Unit budgets haven’t changed to accommodate uniforms. Under COVID-19 rules, folks can’t return items to the EnVision store after trying them on. We are stuck with a lot of excess inventory items at units. As part of the fix, a uniform budget should be reviewed annually to determine if additional funds are required through our normal budget process so that’s over to the units; however, we should be able to come to a compromise over at the EnVision store. (OPR: MSG)
- Laptop Usage on CONS Wifi: GPC Card training at CONS would be dramatically better if personnel could use their own business laptops over the existing CONS wifi. This was not permitted until we asked. CONS has implemented this at this time. CLOSED
- Need for Civilian Council: People are questioning the need for a Civilian Council. The civilians would like a civilian all-call more frequently. Mr. Hunt and CPO are working this. (OPR: EO)
- Add Out-processing to In-processing: Can we add out-processing to the Welcome Center? (OPR: AFRC)
- 5 Languages of Appreciation: The Chapel is going to look into the 5 languages of appreciation in the work place to help further develop our people. (OPR: HC)
- Medical Volunteers: Medical Group needs manning assistance during COVID-19 to free up clinic resources. We are seeking three persons to help out and expect them to start 1 Nov (OPR: DS)
- Que for ROMC line: Can we get a call queue for the ROMC line? (OPR: MDG)
- Update on Isolation: Can we get a reminder of what quarantine and isolation mean? Absolutely! We put that out last week and will periodically refresh. (CLOSED)
- Fix DFAC Registers: DFAC Cash Registers are unreliable. How can we fix or upgrade them? (OPR: MSG)
- MAF Shower Doors: Folks would like shower doors at the MAF. Can we do this? (OPR: OG)
- Change Holiday Schedule: Can we adjust the Christmas Holiday schedule to do changeover after Christmas? (OPR: OG/MSG/SFG)
Old Action Items:
- SNCO Stratification Discussions: Supervisors are not effectively communicating with subordinates. SNCOs have reached out to CMSgt Bettisworth about the lack of SQ/CC or Unit SEL discussions regarding why they are or aren’t getting pushed for a stratification. Squadron Commanders, I need you to own your units ASAP. (OPR: Unit Commanders) UPDATE: Completed and closed out! Great job! CLOSED
- NCO Professional Military Seminar: We do not have a PME dedicated to our new NCOs. Chief Bettisworth is fixing this. More to come. Should be ready by October!!! (OPR: CCC) UPDATE: First Class is scheduled and we are ready to kick this off! CLOSED
- Restarting Shadow Program: Airmen would like to restart the Shadow program for the Chief and I. I think that’s a good idea so we’ll continue to evaluate the environment and get this started once we are reasonably safe. (OPR: CCC/CC) OPEN
- eSports: We need a way to virtually connect. The Army is using a pretty active eSports campaign. Seems awesome. Let’s try it! (OPR: FSS) UPDATE: FSS has this up and running but we can improve. OPEN
- People Disobeying Stop Lights: People are running the blinking red light at Gate One in the afternoon as we leave base. Ground Safety can review. Until we get a better manning level in SFS, we are going to be low on patrols. No additional issues during the past three months but we need to monitor now that we’ve re-opened that gate. (OPR: SE) UPDATE: SE reviewed the traffic and we’ve returned to a normal stop light configuration. CLOSED
- Wing RA Structure: RAs were redistributed from the wing levels back to the units imperfectly. Maj. Mitchell and Ty will take this one as a CPI event and let's see what we learn and can do about it. Manpower took this on and we are continuing to work this validation. (OPR: MSG; OCR: FM) UPDATE: Turns out that only one group’s RA was not at the correct level. MSG volunteered a position to correct this deficiency. CLOSED
- Morale Patches on OCPs: MSG has divided this into two tasks. First Functional the SF on the current OCP. Can we get one that says "ICBM"? Morale patches are still a no, but Col. Ammons is working on it. MXG led the functional tab charge. It’s at 20AF for review. Still holding fast on morale patches (OPR: MSG) OPEN
- TCMAX for use in Armories: (OPR: SFG) AFGSC/A3/6 has this for action. It's a UFR for AFGSC so SFG is internally sourcing. AFGSC can't quite get to this one so our SFG has this on their execution plan for the next quarter. ON CONTRACT! Way to go SFG, CONS, and CPTS!!!! UPDATE: Complete. CLOSED!
- Private Organization for Civilians: Our civilian Airmen want a private org for civilians. (OPR: EO) We are going to add a Civilian Council vice a private org. UPDATE: Still waiting for a meeting with the council. OPEN
- Uber and Lyft on base (OPR: CCE) UPDATE: Annie got in touch with Uber and is getting them to distribute the Uber app with the MILITARY options in this region! Ana will follow up on this. UPDATE: We are going to expand this to see if we can get a campaign against drunk driving started. OPEN
- Commissary can’t Process WIC: I'll put a demand signal out to the Commissary and find out the schedule for the upgrade. (OPR: CC) UPDATE: Chief Bettisworth spoke with the Commissary folks and they are checking to see if they can get this sped up but it looks like we’ll get this in August. UPDATE: Got the software but no love on the install. Still working. OPEN
- Speeding: Recommend "Slow, Children" signs at the 15 MPH zones near playgrounds. I'd like to through that over to ground safety to work through the Traffic Safety Board. (OPR: SE) SFG had ordered the first speed cart. Cart's finishing up calibration and we'll start random deployments this week. UPDATE: Speed carts are functional and working well and we fixed the road by the SFG headquarters. We’ll keep this open to monitor for the SLOW, CHILDREN signs. 3 signs left. OPEN
- Guernsey’s BAH: Do we want to add our GCTS folks to our BAH here in FE Warren? Chief Bettisworth is looking into the actual effects of this change. It appears that the majority of the unit would be negatively impacted by such a change but we will confirm this with data. OPEN. (OPR: CCC)
- PA Guidance on Flags: Our Chiefs asked for the PA Guidance on Flags to be pushed again. No problem CLOSED. (OPR: PA)
- MFLCs needed: AFRC has the stick on this one. OPEN. (OPR: CCR)
- Civilian changes for Weather and Safety Leave Policy for civilians: AFGSC/JA provided some authoritative guidance on the Weather and Safety Leave Policy that allowed us to rescind the local policy and clarify who qualifies for the Weather and Safety Leave Policy. We also updated the requirements for folks to be on telework or their leave if they travel to a red location on personal leave.
- VOIPS voicemail and forwarding issues: Our Communications Squadron will upgrade the VOIP back-end from Oct – Dec of this year. In Feb 21, we will shift over to the DISA circuit for VOIP. This will alleviate those issues. OPEN. (OPR: CS)
- Offensive music in public areas: We are professionals held to a higher standard. Let me ask Safety to take this one on, in consultation with EO and JA. OPEN. (OPR: SE; OCR: JA and EO)
- Improving Sponsorship Program: FSS, AFRC and LaunchWerx are already working this. I’m super excited to get the best practices from all of our units and roll them out as our baseline standard. More to follow on this one! ALREADY OPEN.
- Pharmacy Emergency Prescription Waiting Times: A family member mentioned that, during an emergency medical situation, the member was told to go downtown for meds if they couldn’t wait 72-96 hours. I believe the reason why is because the meds were on the formulary so they had to be procured through other sources and would take some time to do that. I’d like the medical group professionals to confirm this, please. OPEN. (OPR: MDG)
- Warren Welcome Center: We continue to get positive feedback on the Warren Welcome Center. It’s been a huge benefit to the wing!
Action Items:
- Guernsey’s BAH: Could we add our GCTS folks to our BAH here in FE Warren? The answer is “yes, but are we sure we want to do this?” Chief Bettisworth is looking into the actual effects of this change. It appears that the majority of the unit would be negatively impacted by such a change but we will confirm this with data. OPEN. (OPR: CCC)
Old Action Items:
- Guernsey’s BAH: Could we add our GCTS folks to our BAH here in FE Warren? The answer is “yes, but are we sure we want to do this?” Chief Bettisworth is looking into the actual effects of this change. It appears that the majority of the unit would be negatively impacted by such a change but we will confirm this with data. OPEN. (OPR: CCC)
Informational Items:
- Warren Welcome Center: We continue to get positive feedback on the Warren Welcome Center. It’s been a huge benefit to the wing!
Action Items:
- Guernsey’s BAH: Could we add our GCTS folks to our BAH here in FE Warren? The answer is “yes, but are we sure we want to do this?” Chief Bettisworth is looking into the actual effects of this change. It appears that the majority of the unit would be negatively impacted by such a change but we will confirm this with data. OPEN. (OPR: CCC)
- Safety Day to Refocus: Chiefs noted there’s a need to refocus. We’ve been running hard and fast. As a result, we are starting to see some folks take shortcuts or unnecessary risk. That’s not acceptable. 17 Sep 20 will be a Wing Safety Day. All units will be required to talk through the challenges they are facing and come up with a good way ahead. OPEN. (OPR: SE)
- Refresh Flag Guidance: Chiefs asked for the PA Guidance on flags to be pushed again. CLOSED. (OPR: PA)
- Need More MFLACs: Need more MFLCs. AFRC has the stick. OPEN. (OPR: CCR)
- Civilian Weather and Safety Leave Policy: When can we expect changes to the Weather and Safety Leave Policy for civilians? AFGSC/JA provided some authoritative guidance on the Weather and Safety Leave Policy that allowed us to rescind the local policy and clarify who qualifies for the Weather and Safety Leave Policy. We also updated the requirements for folks to be on telework or their leave if they travel to a red location on personal leave. CLOSED
- Loud Offensive Music Guidance: Is there any guidance or prohibition on loud offensive music in public areas? One of our members noted there’s an issue with foul offensive language coming from vehicles at the shoppette. We are professionals held to a higher standards so, we can and should have some clarifying guidance out there. Safety to take this one on, in consultation with EO and JA. OPEN. (OPR: SE; OCR: JA and EO)
- Sponsorship Program: How do we bring this to a new level? FSS, AFRC and LaunchWerx are already working this. We are combining best practice from all of the units for a new baseline. OPEN
- Change Gate 1 Hours: Yes we can but no we won’t. The physical vulnerabilities are too risky. Additionally, the manpower we use there takes away from our patrols who are responding to enforcement in our neighborhoods. CLOSED (OPR: CC)
- Pharmacy Emergency Prescription Waiting Times: A family member mentioned that, during an emergency medical situation, the member was told to go downtown for meds if they couldn’t wait 72-96 hours. The medical group professionals are looking into this. OPEN (OPR: MDG)
- Getting Base Pass Takes a Long Time: The system is fussy but folks aren’t taking advantage of the pre-info submission our defenders have in place. Go to WWW.WARREN.AF.MIL; select BASE INFORMATION, then BASE ACCESS. On the far right of the screen, follow the Visitor Pre-Note procedures! CLOSED (OPR: SFS)
- Are we doing Halloween? DOES COL BONETTI HAVE COSTUMES? Heck yeah. So yes, the current plan is to execute Halloween as normal unless we have higher priorities. OPEN. (OPR: CC/CCC)
- Spouses Right Start Attendance: Spouses want other spouses to go to Right Start. We did change some verbiage to encourage this and we’ll also as spouses to attend the Warren Welcome Center appointments. This is incredibly beneficial, especially since CCR and PA working this huge awareness campaign. CLOSED (OPR: CCR; OCR: PA)
Old Action Items:
- Guernsey’s BAH: Could we add our GCTS folks to our BAH here in FE Warren? The answer is “yes, but are we sure we want to do this?” Chief Bettisworth is looking into the actual effects of this change. It appears that the majority of the unit would be negatively impacted by such a change but we will confirm this with data. OPEN. (OPR: CCC)
- Diversity Council: There’s a whole host of events and activities headed our way to help us get after difficult times. (OPR: CCC/CC) Well under way. Looking forward to this expanding in the future. CLOSED
- eSports: We need a way to virtually connect. The Army is using a pretty active eSports campaign. (OPR: FSS) FSS has this up and running but we can improve
- Poor Base Advertising: (OPR: PA) (OPR: PA) PA has formed a Communication Synchronization Group to work this issue CLOSED. PA Message Synch is up and running.
- Commissary can’t Process WIC: (OPR: CC) UPDATE: Chief Bettisworth spoke with the Commissary folks to see if they could speed up the process. Got the software but no love on the install. Still working.
- Missile Field POS System for Kitchens: (OPR: MSG) The systems are up and working great. CLOSED.
Informational Items:
- Warren Welcome Center: We continue to get positive feedback on the Warren Welcome Center. It’s been a huge benefit to the wing!
- No-Mask Offenders: The majority of “no-mask” offenders as they walk into work centers appears to be unit leadership. Set the example.
- Telework Benefits: Telework remains a huge benefit. Units should continue to utilize as they see fit.
- Discharge Packages: First sergeants are a little frustrated that discharge packages with mental health disorder diagnosis are being turned back to the unit. We don’t want to make disorders the easy button discharge from the Air Force so we’ve pushed back on a few. In all cases, once we’ve properly established a history of treatment, the wing commander has approved the discharges.
- Leave Policy & Approval: Seems to be some confusion on taking leave. Unit commanders are the leave approval authority for the time being. Members are required to complete and submit the AFGSC Leave Risk Assessment Form. ROM restrictions are based on the travel and leave conditions each member faces and determined by the squadron commander, advised by public health. Folks, get back to approving leave when the mission permits.
- Diversity Discussions: We are always open to discussions about diversity and inclusion but symbols of hate, demeaning terms, and exclusive behaviors don’t help us grow as a people. They only divide us into factions. We are the USAF…one team, one fight…anything less is not compatible with our way of life.
- Military Supervisors of Civilians: Military supervisors are not taking the appropriate steps to address manpower shortfalls associated with deployments. When a UPC is deployed, groups are consolidating duties and not seeking assistance or rewarding performance. There are some awesome supervisors and some less experienced supervisors. We need to ensure folks are completing the required training for military supervisor of civilian personnel and correctly employing the current evaluation system. Our civilian evaluation system is designed to award exceptional performance year round; however, few do this. In addition, units that are working through deployments are not examining all manpower options that could mitigate the shortage.
JULY 2020
Action Items:
- Shadow Program Restart: Airmen would like to restart the Shadow program for the command chief and the wing commander. We’ll continue to evaluate the environment and get this started once we are reasonably safe. (OPR: CCC/CC)
- Diversity Council: There’s a whole host of events and activities headed our way to help us get after difficult times. (OPR: CCC/CC)
- eSports: We need a way to virtually connect. The Army is using a pretty active eSports campaign. Seems awesome. Let’s try it! (OPR: FSS)
Old Action Items: Note: Updates are in red.
- Chief Out of Cycle Hires: Chief Bettisworth and wing commander are working to get out-of-cycle hires for vacant chief positions. She's looking into the upcoming Civil Engineer Squadron and Security Forces Squadron vacancies right now. Priority fills established! CLOSED (OPR: CCC)
- ALS Graduation Fluctuates: We'll try a few different ideas and see which works well. Right now, an afternoon ceremony (UOD for attendees; service dress for participants), no dinner or guest speaker. ALS Commandant has process in place to try a variety of solutions. CLOSED (OPR: MSG)
- LCC Seat Cushions: They are here. MXG will give them to OG for installation. All cushions installed. (OPR: MXG; OCR: OG)
- Running Blinking Red Light at Gate 1: People are running the blinking red light at Gate 1. Turned over to ground safety to look at but, this is an enforcement problem. Until we get a better manning level in SFS, we are going to be low on patrols. No additional issues during the past three months but we need to monitor now that we’ve re-opened that gate. (OPR: SE)
- Relook at Wing Resource Advisor Structure: Need to relook at our Wing RA structure. When we redistributed the RAs from the wing levels back to the units, we may not have gotten this exactly right. CPTS and LaunchWERX are tackling as a continuing process improvement. Manpower took this on, and we are continuing to work this validation. (OPR: MSG; OCR: FM)
- OCP Morale Patches: We see some other folks doing this so we need to figure out if this is going to be a new offering or do we need to proceed with our own policy? MSG has divided this into two tasks. First Functional the SF on the current OCP. Can we get one that says "ICBM"? Second, straight up morale patches. Corporate answer is still no but Col Ammons is wading through a murky fog to try to get us to yes. MXG led the functional tab charge. It’s at 20AF for review. Still holding fast on morale patches (OPR: MSG)
- Advertising: We need a comprehensive advertising campaign it needs to include APF, NAF, and Mission Partner advertising. We can’t figure out how to have a consolidated calendar of events. Form a stakeholders group to take this one. The solution will include text-casting. (OPR: PA) PA has formed a Communication Synchronization Working Group to work this issue and created a plan to combine advertising efforts for key events. First month went pretty well but we'll keep this one open till we see some more success with the app and with the community displays. Need to reinvigorate this effort. PA has lead. (OPR: PA)
- 24/7 Pool Hours for Active Duty: Waiver is at 20 AF. 20 AF/A1 is working with FSS on queries. The struggle continues to be the risk to patrons with clean water. The waiver package was denied but we really aren’t seeing any expanded hours.
- Welcome Center Development: AFGSC has directed wings to develop and open a welcome center (OPR: CC) AFRC has the lead on this. FSS and DoS have supplied tons of stuff. AFRC is scheduling a TDY to Whiteman to view the model. AFRC has pushed the space requirement to the Facilities Utilization Board for review. Plan is approved. We'll use building 210 as the Welcome Center. OPEN AND SUCCESSFUL. LOVE ACROSS THE WING TO EVERYONE INVOLVED. CLOSED!
- Family Care Plans: The command chief and the shirts took on the family care plans. We’ve all seen this antiquated plan cause us unnecessary strife. The shirts are working with LaunchWerx on courses of actions. A brilliant interim solution was developed and implemented our team. There’s additional step to go but this is on the right path so we’ll take it off the radar. CLOSED.
- Civilian Council Private Org: Our civilian Airmen are kicking around the idea of a private org for civilians. My thanks to Mr. Hunt for jumping on this. (OPR: EO) After some research and effort, looks like we are going to add a Civilian Council vice a private org.
- How do we get Uber and Lyft on base? The 90 MW/CCE’s mission to help us get to yes on this. (OPR: CCE) Got in touch with Uber and is getting them to distribute the Uber app with the MILITARY options in this region.
- Missile Field POS System for Kitchens: FSS is working. (OPR: MSG) Two POS systems will be installed this month at missile alert facilities to test. No inventory system though. We are researching what that costs.
- Commissary can’t Process WIC: We asked the Commissary to find out. (OPR: CC) Chief Bettisworth spoke with the Commissary folks and they are checking to see if they can get this sped up but it looks like we’ll get this in August.
- Speeding on Base: Folks are pretty fed up with this. Although they are glad to hear about the increased patrols and inbound speed carts, they want a few more things. One of those things is "Slow, Children" signs at the 15 MPH zones near playgrounds. Our placement on base is inconsistent. Some playgrounds have them; others don't. Sounds reasonable to me but I'd like to through that over to ground safety to work through the Traffic Safety Board. (OPR: SE) SFG had ordered the first speed cart. After delivery, expect another week for us to complete actions needed to start using it. Cart's finishing up calibration and we'll start random deployments this week. Oh, and if you haven't seen them, SFS is doing a phenomenal job cracking down on speeders! SLOW DOWN! Speed carts are functional and working well and we fixed the road by the SFG headquarters. We’ll keep this open to monitor for the SLOW, CHILDREN signs.
- FCC Providers: We won't ever have enough but we need to do a better job getting the requirements out to our base population. Currently, FCC training is scheduled 4 times a year. Spouses would like this to be conducted more often. Chief Bettisworth contacted FSS and found out FSS is willing to work with anyone on an individual basis to get requirements complete. Should conduct a rotational PA campaign. Asked FSS and PA to tell me what they think and we can go from there. (OPR: PA/FSS) FSS got this out there and on the website. We'll periodically refresh! CLOSED.
- Gym Equipment & Bigger Kids Room in Gym: Spouses would like more equipment and a bigger kid room in the gym. Chief Bettisworth asked all of them to get these comments into ICE. Chief Bettisworth also worked with Chief Anderson on the missing functional fitness equipment. (OPR: CCC; OCR: MSG) Chief has a list of the missing functional fitness equipment and got this fixed. CLOSED
- CDC Outdoor Playtime: Sounds like we weren't allowing kids outside in pretty decent weather because we had some snow piles along the fences. This is probably a moot point today, given the weather but we should take a look at the CDC snow/ice removal to see if we can facilitate outdoor playtime (OPR: FSS) Two days of 60 degree weather fixed this but Col Ammons and her MSG team are going to keep an eye on it. CLOSED.
Informational Items:
- What’s knowledge management? Our CGOs are asking where we are going. Part of STRIKER culture is absolutely innovating how we infuse and use data. A large part of this effort is understanding and assessing what data is available. Knowledge Management is the organizational structure that will enable this!
- Lead/mentor, understand your environment: As we spoke with the CGOs, we continue to mentor them to develop into leaders that are better, smarter and more lethal than we are. Part of that is understanding your own environment. Do this by asking: 1. What do we do? 2. What should we do? 3. How well are we doing it? 4. How do we know that?
- Mental Health Myth: There’s a concern that going to Mental Health will get you kicked out. This is untrue. Literally, dozens of folks go every day to the clinic and get the time, space and help they need. If you still have a concern about that stigma, go see our military family and life counselors (MFLACs). They will keep you safe.
- Airmen Deployments: Some Airmen are actively looking for the opportunity to deploy. They want to help make a difference. Please take care of your folks. Have a chat with them about their ideal deployment and help them get to yes.
- Air Show Thanks: Everyone loved the Air Show! Our thanks to all the wing members who had a hand in making this so successful. WELL DONE!
- Civilian Hires: In every forum, we were able to compliment the units for using the special qualifications pay to get bodies into civilian vacancies. Our CPO has done an amazing job providing a gentle but firm hand to guide our folks to success in civilian hiring. UPDATE: CPO continues to find ways to onboarding quickly and efficiently.
- BAH Rates/Dorm Occupancy: Shirts remain vigilant on our dormitory occupancy rates as well as our base allowance for housing (BAH) rates. BAH re-look continues to go up but we’re not really hopeful. We do see a positive trend in the dormitories. There's a lot of folks who like the dorms. Knowing they are choosing to live in the dorms helps us get buy-in from residents. Units are doing a great job determining if an Airman is ready to head downtown. If a first sergeant and commander don't think someone's a candidate for BAH, that's in their lane to keep them in the dorms.
Action Items:
- Civilian Private Organization: Our civilian Airmen are kicking around the idea of a private org for civilians. This is a really great idea. My thanks to Mr. Hunt for jumping on this one! (OPR: EO)
- How do we get Uber and Lyft on base? A phenomenal idea. 90 MW/CCE will help us get to yes on this. (OPR: 90 MW/CCE)
Informational Items:
- What’s up with the drones? It was right after Christmas and Space X’s Jan. 6, 2020, StarLink satellite launch so the combination of the two created a bunch of concern. There’s no security concerns from any of the reports to date. Here’s the positive news. Everyone is looking out for our well-being. We love being in a community that’s really got our backs.
- 90 MW Strategic Plan: We are going to finish a strategic plan that helps us take definable actions. We want to see improvements and less metric meetings. Let’s get after our issues.
- Striker Community: We are jumping head on into the Striker Community (formerly Community 2.0). This means innovation and attention to our units and programs that benefit our folks. Sent out a primer on this separately to the chiefs and commanders.
- Integrated Planning Cell: It is complete. Lt. Col. Katie Mack is going to codify this and we can put this to bed. Thank you for getting after this.
- Combined Advertising: Our incredible PA pros have put together a cross functional team to really get at the heart of this matter. Expect to hear more from them in the future.
- Knowledge Ops Movement: The offices are moving from the 90th Communications Squadron to the Director of Staff IAW the latest directives. We are looking forward to the expanded duties which will benefit every organization in this wing.
- Reducing Out of Hide Positions: 90 MW/CCC has been working this since Day One and is ready to put the squeeze on these types of positions. The 90th Force Support Squadron and 90th Civil Engineer Squadron have already moved out on minimizing bodies out of your units.
- New Welcome Center: Airman and Family Readiness Center is running this but we all need to wrap our arms around this and figure out how we feng shui in-processing and out-processing. This is part of how we take care of our people.
- Re-negotiating BOG fees at Guernsey: Need to gain fiscal efficiencies. Thanks to the Spartans and the rest of the wing team for moving this one forward.
- Many Things in Future: Lights at Missile Drive; gate improvements; MAF improvements; a ton of awesome ideas from our Key Spouses; Spring cleanup, pothole patrol, Cheyenne Frontier Days, another Secretary of the Air Force visit, and even a summer changeover.
- BAH Changes: Where are we at with the BAH DTMO review? We’ve sent up a second request with the adjustments suggested in the first denial. We will not give up on this!
- Family Care Plans: Do we still need them? The answer is “don’t know” but we’ve got some amazing first sergeants who are taking this on. Appreciate all the support we are giving to this.
- Missile Alert Facilities Visits: People want them. Who should they contact? Well, numerous POCs volunteered. In addition to those incredible folks, 90th Missile Wing Public Affairs and 90th Operations Group continue to team up on an amazing educational campaign. Heck, 90th Security Forces Group even asked folks to contact them if they want to ride along a convoy.
- New Competitive Officer Categories: There are concerns about how the new competitive categories for officer promotions marry up with intermediate and senior developmental education opportunities. After the dust settles, the time frames for both will equalize. This will take about 13 months (or one full cycle). We’ll keep working these.
Action Items:
- Female Uniform Availability: There was significant frustration over the lack of uniform availability for females at clothing sales. Reportedly there was one mess dress jacket available last week. We will check in with AAFES. (OPR: CC and CCC)
- Sick Call Hours Change: Officers from the 90th Operations Group asked if we could change sick call hours. Unfortunately, sick call and mission planning occur at the same time. We will ask the OG and 90th Medical Group to get together on this. (OPR: OG and MDG)
- Engaging 1st Duty Station CGOs: An officer asked if we could do a better job of engaging with our first duty station CGOs. The group is interested in a course for new officers similar to the First Term Airman Course, this will help them in-process the base and get basic information they need upon arrival. One of the key questions is understanding what Air Force Reserve Command has to offer. Capt. Mary Costello volunteered as the point of contact. Lt. Col. Joe Edington volunteered to guide this effort. (OPR: Capt Mary Costello and Lt Col Joe Edington)
Informational Items:
- BAH Misconceptions: One Basic Allowance for Housing misconception is rates have dropped by large amounts. This is not true. Also shared historical data showing a minor decrease in rates and which pay grades have been the most impacted. In the end, we recognized that housing suitability and availability are the issues. We are working on one solution to work with local partners and investors is to build affordable housing close to the base. We are also opening the window for the BAH survey to cover a longer period of time through permanent change of station season as well as working to extend the zip code regions.
- Tactical Pause Feedback: Mostly positive feedback when we genuinely had a conversation on the tough topic. We recommend making sure group sizes encourages crosstalk and participation. The CGOs wanted more opportunities to do this with their folks.
- Event Participation: They expressed frustration with getting participation in events at F.E Warren compared to other bases. Our 24/7/365 missile field mission takes a large percentage of available folks out of the equation right off the top. The key is to market in advance so people can plan ahead. They’ve asked for help with that.
- OCP Baseball Caps: Can we authorize operational camflauge pattern baseball caps? The answer is no. The Air Force Chief of Staff said no to this request and reinforced that again at the wing commander conference.
- Gate 2 Traffic Lights: We are working with the Wyoming Department of Transportation on different courses of actions to expedite the timeline.
- CDC Family/Down Day Availability: CGOs are frustrated with child development center availability during family or down days. It is difficult for spouses who work off base to find daycare on those days when the military members still has to work. We have sent a survey to find out the demand. The demand is not significant enough to open the CDC. The 90th Force Support Squadron is constantly evaluating.