Entrance: The event is open to the public, but parking will be limited to about 1400-1500 vehicles. Since there is limited space, extremely large vehicles such as RVs and trailers are not permitted. Access for the air show will be restricted to the gate off of Roundtop Rd. Maps and directions will be posted soon. The gate opens at 7 a.m. and closes at 9:30 a.m., or when we reach capacity. This gate will be the only way to access air show parking, even for those with DoD ID cards. Entrance is free, but limited to about 1500 vehicles and will be on a first come, first served basis. It will be closed early if we are at capacity. Please come early, but do not arrive before 7. We do not want traffic to back up and cause problems for surrounding areas.
Viewing: Viewing will be set up like a drive-in movie. You will be directed where to park and will need to stay in or directly around your vehicle. Each vehicle will have a space 15 ft. wide to ensure social distancing. The air show commentary will be broadcast on a couple of local radio stations.

Prohibited Items:
Please pay particular attention to no alcohol, grills or smoking! The parking is in a dry, grassy area, so we do not want any potential fire hazards.
Suggested Items:
Please do bring plenty of water, snacks and sunscreen! Also, please fill up on gas beforehand. While IDs will not be checked to enter, drivers should have their license, registration and proof of insurance on hand.

Don't worry, we didn't forget about your other needs. there will be portable restrooms available, including handicap accessible.
Please remember that this is a federal installation and visitors can be subject to random inspections.