Air Force Claims Process - Severe Weather

Due to the recent hail storm, military members and civilian employees may have questions concerning the claim filing process for severe storms. Below is filling guidance on the Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Claims Act:


1. The Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Claims Act (MPCECA), is a gratuitous payment statue. It does not provide insurance coverage and is not designed to make the United States a total insurer of the personal property of claimants.  Payment does not depend on tort liability or Government fault.


2. The MPCECA provides protection from extraordinary hazards such as violent acts of nature. 


3. All covered federal employees should report claims for such damage/loss with their own private insurance companies.  The MPCECA is "secondary" to all private insurance coverage for incidents such as the one recently experienced.  Please see attached document for detailed instructions on filing a claim.


4. It is advised for any affected person to (1) take photos of the damage and the cause if possible and (2) report the damage to your private insurer and complete your insurance claim process. If you still are not fully compensated for the loss, you may still file a claim as described (i.e. you may want to consider filing a claim with the Air Force Claims Service Center for your deductible once your insurance company has covered the damage). 


Unfortunately, contractor personnel are not proper claimants under the Federal statute which authorizes the Air Force to adjudicate claims. If you are a contractor, you should check with your employer to see if there are any property damage claims provisions in your contract and/or file with your automobile insurance company.


Please see the attached file for step-by-step instructions on how to file your claim. Additionally, the Air Force Claims Service Center has asked that you please be patient when filing your claim.  Several severe storms have hit Air Force installations recently and they are dealing with a high influx of claims, therefore, please ensure all required documents are included when submitting your claim to speed up processing. If you have any questions please contact the Air Force Claims Service Center at, or DSN 314-986-8044, COMM 937-656-8044, or Toll Free at 1-877-754-1212. Thank you.


Claims Process for Non Household Goods Claims


IMPORTANT - The authority which authorizes the CSC to pay certain personal property claims is the Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Claims Act (PCA). The PCA was enacted by Congress to lessen the hardships of military life by providing payment for certain types of property loss, however, it does not provide insurance coverage and is NOT designed to make the United States a total insurer of the personal property of claimants. Claimants have a personal responsibility to protect themselves from loss or damage to their personal property. Claims for damage to personal property must have occurred on-base or in base housing for those stationed in the States. Members stationed overseas can claim for personal property damage in both on-base and off-base housing.


1. Go to the Air Force Claims Service Center (CSC) website,, and click “File Non Household Goods Claim.” This site is for Air Force personnel only, however, contact information for sister-service personnel can be found on this page. Contractor personnel and Foreign Nationals are not proper claimants.


2. On the next two screens hit the "Proceed" button.


3. You will come to our Portal screen. Select "I already have a user name and password"


To create a User Name and Password, email from a .mil account and request a username and password. The subject line should read, "Request for Username and Password for Non Household Goods Claim." Please email from your .mil account so that the CSC can send your login information to you encrypted.


4. Once you have input your username and password, you will then be asked to fill out your profile. Once that is accomplished, you can then begin inputting the information for your damaged property.


5. Continue following all directions. Required documents include your PCS or TDY Orders for military personnel or SF 50 for civilians.


a. Claims for damage in base housing – File with your renter’s insurance company first. After receiving settlement, or if no renter’s insurance, any items which can be repaired (cleaned) must first be attempted by a firm qualified to repair. If an item cannot be repaired (cleaned), then replacement is warranted. Any item which costs for than $100 to replace, must be accompanied by substantiation in the form of a web page, catalog page, sale paper or BX price.


b. Claims for automobile damage – File with automobile insurance company first. After receiving settlement, or if liability only (no comprehensive coverage), a claim can be filed with the Claims Service Center. If your insurance company takes care of repairs, only one estimate of repair is required. If you have liability only, you must provide two repair estimates. If vehicle was damaged at duty section, a statement from your supervisor stating that you were on duty at the time of the storm must be provided. Other documents required are vehicle registration and insurance documentation. If you have liability only, you must upload a copy of your Insurance     Policy Declarations page showing your coverage. Please upload any documentation related to your claim in the Upload Documents section of your claim.


     c. Required documentation for filing your claim in addition to PCS/TDY orders or an SF 50 are:


- Insurance documentation showing coverage (the declarations page of your insurance policy shows all necessary information)


- Government Housing Lease, Assignment to the Dorms Letter, or a signed statement from your supervisor stating that you were on     duty at the time of the storm


     - Estimate of Repair (or two estimates if liability only)


     - Proof of Registration


     - Receipt showing your deductible has been paid (if repairs have not been completed, provide a statement as to when the repairs will be made)


6. Finally, there's a User's Guide link at the bottom of each page which should help you file your claim.


7. After you have added all applicable information and uploaded any substantiating documents/photos, you should submit your claim. After the claim is submitted, you can continue monitoring the status of your claim until paid.


8. If any questions arise about the claims process or if you do not have a .mil account from which to request a username and password, please contact us at, or DSN 314-986-8044, COMM 937-656-8044 or Toll Free at 1-877-754-1212. Our duty hours are Monday thru Friday, 0730-1630 Eastern Standard Time.