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Good Order and Discipline

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  • By Staff Reports
  • 90th Missile Wing Staff Judge Advocate

Good Order and Discipline

February and March 2022


The following incidents are ALL of the nonjudicial punishment, discipline related administrative discharges, or court-martial convictions that closed out during the months of February and March of 2022.

***WARNING:  The incidents portrayed below are REAL and reflect actual events.  The names have been redacted to comply with the Privacy Act.  If you value your Air Force career, you will not attempt ANY of the action described below.  IF YOU DO, YOU MAY RECEIVE DISCIPLINE.***



Nonjudicial Punishment (Article 15)

Two Airman First Class (A1C) were involved in a fight in the dorms which was recorded by another Airman using a cell phone.  After reviewing the footage, the commander determined both A1Cs violated Article 128 of the UCMJ, but one A1C instigated the fight. For that A1C the commander imposed the following punishment:  Reduction to Airman; forfeiture of $1,027.00, suspended for six months; and a reprimand. For the other A1C the commander imposed the following punishment: Reduction to Airman, suspended for six months; and a reprimand. #keepyourhandstoyourself #yestheAirmanfilmingisintroubletoo



A Staff Sergeant (SSgt) did not follow the load plan when loading munitions into a government vehicle before tripping back to base.  As result of the improper loading and a defective tailgate, the munitions fell out of the back of the vehicle and were not recovered until after a significant amount of resources were expended searching for them.  The commander determined the SSgt violated Article 92 of the UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment:  Reduction to Senior Airman, suspended for six months; forfeiture of $250.00 pay for two months; and a reprimand. #thisiswhythereisaloadplan  #luckywegotthemback


An Airman (AMN) was found to be driving under the influence of alcohol while under the age of 21.  The commander determined the Amn violated Articles 92 and 113 of the UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment:  Reduction to Airman Basic; Forfeiture of $892.00, suspended for six months; restriction to F.E. Warren for 30 days; and a reprimand. #lucktobealive #waituntilyou’re21


A Senior Airman (SrA) was taken to the hospital following a self-report to Cheyenne Police Department of being on a bad LSD trip.  The commander found the SrA violated article 112a of the UCMJ, and imposed the following punishment: Reduction to Airman, with the reduction below Airman First Class suspended for six months; forfeiture of $1,217.00 pay for two months, suspended for six months; 45 days extra duty; and a reprimand. #onebadtrip #seedrugsarebad


A SSgt falsified an official document by completing and signing a Physical Fitness Assessment Scorecard on behalf of a member who did not actually complete a fitness assessment.  The commander determined the SSgt violated article 107 of the UCMJ and imposed the following punishment:  Reduction to SrA, suspended for six months; forfeiture of $592.00 pay for two months; and a reprimand. #integrityfirst


Administrative Discharges

*Administrative Discharges resulting from misconduct, including drug abuse, almost always result in a loss of some veteran benefits, specifically education benefits like the GI Bill. A discharge characterization that is not Honorable, may also limit future employment opportunities*


An Airman (Amn) received non-judicial punishments (NJP) and two letters of reprimand (LOR) for failing to follow orders, making false statements, and engaging in disruptive and disorderly conduct.  Additionally, the Amn was found to be under the influence of alcohol while in the Alcohol and Drug Prevention and Treatment program, thereby failing the program.  The Amn was separated under a joint basis: misconduct, minor disciplinary infractions; and failure in alcohol abuse treatment with an under honorable conditions (General) service characterization. #layoffthebottle #somanychances


An Amn was arrested by the Cheyenne Police Department and charged with aggravated assault, injury with a deadly weapon, domestic battery, assault – battery, and destruction of property greater than $1,000.  During this incident, the Amn was also in violation of a 72-hour quarters order and consumed alcohol while under age, for which the Amn received NJP.  Additionally, the Amn had previously received NJP for physically controlling a vehicle while intoxicated.  The Amn was separated for misconduct, commission of a serious offense with under honorable conditions (General) service characterization. #nowords


An Airman Basic (AB) received two NJPs, one for marijuana use and the other for drinking alcohol under the age of 21.  Additionally, the AB received two LORs, one for disobeying medical isolation orders and the other for drinking alcohol under the age of 21.  The AB was separated under a joint basis: misconduct, drug abuse; and misconduct, minor disciplinary infractions with under honorable conditions (General) service characterization. #didn’tlearnthefirsttime #drugsarestillbad


An AB was convicted at a Special Court-Martial by Military Judge Alone for controlling a vehicle while drunk and disrespecting both a non-commissioned officer and an officer.  The AB had previously received two NJP for alcohol related incidents and was being processed for discharge when he was arrested for the above misconduct.  The AB also failed in the ADAPT program and was separated for misconduct, pattern of misconduct and failure in alcohol abuse treatment, with an Under Other Than Honorable Conditions service characterization. #sooomanychances #gethelpbeforeitstoolate


Four SrA and five A1Cs willfully refused to follow two written orders from their commanders to receive the mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine. For the misconduct, they received LORs from their commander and group commander.  One had previously received NJP for other misconduct and one had previously received one LOR for other misconduct.  All nine were separated for minor disciplinary infractions with under honorable conditions (General) service characterizations. #inthemilitarywefolloworders 

Court-Martial Convictions

United States v. Airman First Class Nikolas Casillas

A1C Casillas was charged with two specifications of sexual assault without consent of a fellow Airman.  At a General Court-Martial, A1C Casillas was found guilty of one specification of Article 120 of the UCMJ and acquitted of the other specification by a panel of officers and enlisted members. He was then sentenced by the military judge to 2 years confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and reduction to Airman Basic. #doinghardtime #sexwithoutconsentisacrime