Weekend Adventures: The Garden of the Gods

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Brandon Valle
  • 90th Missile Wing Public Affairs
This weekend, two Airmen from the 90th Missile Wing Public Affairs shop took the opportunity of a three day weekend to get out of Cheyenne and visit the Garden of the Gods national park, Colorado Springs, Colo.

The Garden of the Gods national park, located 157 miles south of Cheyenne in Colorado Springs, Colo., is a scenic display of massive stone mountains and dense foliage. The park offers a variety of hiking trails to satisfy the needs of any hiker - from the amateur hiker to the avid trail blazer. With more than 15 miles of trails, there is much to explore and plenty to keep people entertained.

Weekend adventures have a wide range of activities including hiking, camping, boating, sightseeing, traveling to interesting locales, and participating in recreational activities. People who participate in weekend adventures can find some amazing photo opportunities. Send us photos of your adventures and they may be showcased in an upcoming edition of the Sentinel and on our Facebook page.

Submissions must be submitted in high resolution and include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, first and last names of those in the photo, and location. To submit photos, send an email to 90mw.pa@us.af.mil with the subject titled "Vacation photo submission."