Warren's Top 3 runs outstanding program Published Sept. 20, 2010 By Master Sgt. Jennifer Moore 90th Force Support Squadron 9/17/2010 -- Warren's Top 3 organization promotes communication, professionalism, responsibility, camaraderie, prestige and esprit de corps among the enlisted corps. This association actively supports the entire enlisted population through professional development, information flow, community service and morale activities. We also strive to work with the other organizations on base to build a stronger community for ourselves, our families, our coworkers and our community. This association works as a group to ensure senior leadership is aware of the enlisted force's views and concerns, and strives to positively influence personnel-related policy decisions. The executive council consists of myself, Master Sgt. Mark Leuquire, vice president, Senior Master Sgt. Michele Reynolds, secretary, and Master Sgt. Gearold Crouse, treasurer. The membership is comprised of Warren service members in the grades of E-7 to E-9. We are involved with the wing NCO and senior NCO induction ceremonies, quarterly awards luncheons, annual awards banquets, VA hospital visits, saber team detail, highway cleanup, airman leadership school mentorship, senior NCO and NCO enlisted professional enhancement and Cheyenne Frontier Days. We also contribute financial assistance to many worthy causes such as the Warren Arrive Alive Program, ethnic heritage month events, Patriot Guard riders and the POW/MIA remembrance ceremony. However, most importantly our vision is to assist the junior enlisted now to help shape our future. Additionally, the Warren Top 3 has an easy recognition program which encourages young Airmen to further strive to be outstanding leaders and mentors. Nominations are due no later than the 15th of every month, and must come from a Top 3 member; however, if you know an Airman who has gone above and beyond, let a senior NCO in your organization know about it, and e-mail the respective selection panel member by the 20th of the month. The senior NCO section panel members include Senior Master Sgt. Jonathon Scott, 90th Mission Support Group, Senior Master Sgt. Michael Russell, 90th Security Forces Group, Master Sgt. Wayne Mask, 90th Operations Group, Master Sgt. Scott Archer, 90th Medical Group and Master Sgt. Jodi Hooks, 90th Maintenance Group. Warren's Top 3 is always looking for new avenues and suggestions to prepare our enlisted force, preserve our heritage and strengthen our enlisted corps. This takes new ideas and people involved that wish to make a difference. Top 3 meetings are held the last duty day of the month in the Trails End Club at 3:30p.m. If you have any questions about the Warren Top 3, please e-mail Jennifer.Moore@warren.af.mil or call 773-4013.