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Mighty Ninety success: a team sport

  • Published
  • By Chief Master Sgt. Marty Anderson
  • 90th Missile Wing command chief
Many of the articles I have written were obviously with the intent to create a culture to meet our mission statement, "Provide Preeminent Combat Capability Across the Spectrum of Conflict." As stated in last week's article, we have proven we do this better than anyone else.

The reason we do this better is the culture we have within the Mighty Ninety. When I attended a 20th Air Force conference a couple of weeks ago, we did an exercise listing the qualities and traits needed for every individual to achieve mission success.

We narrowed this down to the following five attributes:

- Find a way to solve problems and function under pressure.
- Finish what they started.
- Desire to know everything about their job.
- Resilient - Fitness, spiritual, emotional.
- The desire to see others succeed.

When every individual within an organization has the same values and beliefs, it generates trust based on personal responsibility.

This is the foundation for developing the professional culture we desire. Pride in our mission and the team concept. Being more concerned with others than ourselves, with team accomplishment than individual accomplishments and having a sense of belonging as well as satisfaction.

In order for this culture to grow, every member on the team must truly understand why his or her job is important. All Airmen must understand the purpose of what they do and more importantly, have a belief in why they are here. This focuses each person's behavior towards a common purpose with enthusiasm and confidence.

This type of behavior validates our beliefs in who we are and what we represent when wearing this uniform.

Successful organizations have this culture. They have standards, values and a belief in accountability, all while strengthening everyone within the organization.

We cannot be side-tracked due to individuals failing to meet performance standards or demonstrating unprofessional conduct!

We must be vigilant in maintaining our core values and have the moral courage to intervene and take appropriate action if anyone violates those core values.

We will always be faced with obstacles, but a successful team will find a way to overcome any challenge to meet the goal or mission requirement.

As we prepare for the upcoming nuclear surety inspection, it is critical to our continued success that leaders at all levels continue to enhance our culture of teamwork and a genuine belief of what each of us does is critical to protecting our nation's freedoms and way of life.

We are a successful team due to having a great wing culture. I am grateful to each of you as well as the support of family members and our community partnership.

Success truly is a team sport.